The Day of Truth

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Chapter 7

Hiccup and Astrid walked torrid The Dragon Academy for the sword fight. About half of the village was there. "You can do it Cousin!" Snoutlout shouted, Hiccup smiled and nodded. Astrid stopped and stood next to the other dragon riders.

Gobber walked in the middle of the academy and spoke "a'right every'one, taday is a sword fight be'tween two young vikings. On me right is Dogsbreath" Vikings cheered for Dogsbreath and others boo'd at him. "An'd on me left, Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the III" about all the Vikings that did not cheer for Dogsbreath, cheered for Hiccup more. Dogsbreath was mad and wanting to fight Hiccup more.

"A'right, both young Vikings have the choice t'o pick any weapon and ha've one shelled only, let the fight began" Gobber walked torrid the entrance. He stopped beside Hiccup "good luck lad" Gobber said, "thank you, Gobber". Hiccup grabbed a small little stick from his pants "good choice of weapon Hiccup-the-useless" Dogsbreath laughed. "Take him down babe!" Hiccup turned and saw Astrid cheering for him along with the twins, Fishleggs and his cousin Snoutlout.

"Hhhhaaa" Dogsbreath charged torrid Hiccup, swinging his choice of weapon which was a sword with sharp points on the sword. Hiccup raised up the small stick and swung it torrid Dogsbreath. A sword flew from the opening of the stick and burst into flames "what in Thor's name?!" Dogsbreath jumped back in shock. "Something I made today, I thought why don't I test it out" Dogsbreath ran torrid Hiccup and swung his sword at him. Hiccup blocked every swing he made and then Hiccup swung at him and broke Dogsbreaths sword into two. The village burst into cheers for Hiccup and chanted his name "Hiccup! Hiccup! Hiccup!" his friends also jumped in joy. Astrid then ran torrid Hiccup with a smiled "Astrid-" Hiccup was then stabbed in the back with Dogsbreath broken sword. "No, I win" Dogsbreath smiled and gotten up with pride. The rest of the villagers who cheered for Dogsbreath cheered and chanted his name "Dogsbreath! Dogsbreath! Dogsbreath!".

"HICCUP!" Astrid ran torrid Hiccup and saw him on the ground bleeding "Astrid, I'm sorry that I broke our promise" Hiccup said crying. "Don't you remember Hiccup, I will follow you to the ends of the earth if I have to" she smiled, Hiccup smiled with her. "Dot forget Hiccup, you have to get of the island tomorrow morning," Dogsbreath said. "And for you my wife, be ready for a time of your life" Dogsbreath laughed and left the academy.

"Lets leave tonight, let us meat at the beach" Astrid helped Hiccup and took him to Gothi for some help. The hole thing was scaring Astrid do to Hiccup lost of blood. "Gothi! please help!" Astrid and the gang walked through the door and slowly put Hiccup down. Gobber stood next to Gothi and reading what she rights on the sand. "She asked 'what happen to him'" Gobber said translating the words.

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