3. The soccer room

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Finally, lunch. I was actually looking forward to it. To meeting new people that would hopefully become my friends and reconnecting with old ones. My excitement only made English drag on even longer but I was relieved when the sound of the bell filled the room. 

The art room was located smack in the middle of the school and I was on the complete end of the school so it would take me a minute to get there, not to mention having to stop at my locker for a quick second to grab my lunch and throw these useless textbooks in its place. Why do we even get them if we never use them? Beats me. 

I slammed the metal door shut, heading in the direction of my new lunch area. Oh God, why'd I come this way. I looked to my left, slightly, so no one would notice. It was the room where Evan and I use to eat. The 'soccer room'. He, all his friends on the soccer team, and I would hang out there for lunch everyday. It was cool. I miss it. Miss him. 


I let out a small yelp as I heard the yell and felt two hands squeeze my sides. "Idiot." I chuckled, turning around only to be faced with my handsome boyfriend. He kissed my cheek.. then the other, then my nose, then my forehead and kept making a circle before planting a sweet one right on my lips. I smiled, almost 100% sure my cheeks were a nice rose red.

"How's your day going, beautiful?" He grabbed my bag from shoulders, placing it on his before taking my hand as we began walking to the soccer room.

"Eh," I shrugged, gripping his hand tighter, "I'm really hungry and that means i'm very irritable and you know how that is."

He chuckled, "Yeah, I definitely do. Well I've got good news for you then." we'd made it to the room by now, popping our bags on the table where we usually sit in the far back corner away from everyone but close enough to where we could still talk to them.

I raised an eyebrow at him. "Ta-da!" He pulled two foot-long subs from his bag, dangling them in between us. My smile came back even wider than before. "Oh you're the absolute best." He handed me one, sitting in the only chair around us.

"Yeah, well, you never pack lunch and when you do, it's usually always gone before lunch so i'll just start bringing you food." He laughed and then patted his lap signaling for me to sit.

"Ugh, what would I do without you?" I put my hand over my chest dramatically, having a seat.

"Get a room." One of his friends jokingly growled at us. "Jealous?" I smirked. "Just hate seeing you two, you're always so close, disgusting." he laughed.

"I'm so sorry, we'll try to contain ourselves." Evan sarcastically said before smashing his lips into mine and holding them there for a few seconds. We both turned back to his friend as he faked a gag causing all three of us to laugh. 

"I love us," he said, his eyes locked on mine, "I love you."

I could feel the pace of my heart beat pick up as the all to familiar feeling of heart break slowly flooded back. I knew my eyes were now glossy but as I neared the art room I did everything I could to not show how I was feeling. 

"Hey!" Hailee greeted me with a smile, her straight, white teeth making an appearance. "Cool, you're here. Well," she looked at the group of people standing around us, we formed a circle basically, "this is Michael, Hunter and Matthew." I stood just examining them all for a second, Michael was pale with bright red hair that spiked in every direction and fell over his face. Hunter was tall, built with the typical Bieber haircut. And Matthew was an average height blonde. I knew him from a few of my classes, space-case. 

"Nice to meet you guys." I said, giving a friendly smile. 

"Likewise." Michael said. The other two boys nodded their heads, "sup."

Lunch was pretty chill for the most part, I got to know everyone just a bit. Matthew and Hunter were both seniors and Michael was a junior like me and Hailee. They're all really chill people, stoners tend to be that way I guess right? I don't know, i've never smoked before, always wanted to try it though. Anyways, we basically just talked the whole time, cracking jokes on each other, complaining about the food the school served us, rating everyone's outfits while they walked by etc. It was nice to have people to talk to and laugh with. It temporarily took my mind off of Evan and that was a huge plus. 

"So Michael, you'll be at my new years party right?"

"For sure, wouldn't miss it." He smiled, "What about you Matt, Hunter?"

"Nah," Hunter said, "we've got other plans, gonna try to get laid at a college party." The two knuckleheads nodded at each other, smacking a high five.

Hailee rolled her eyes, "anyways, you'll be there, right Madeline?"

"Yeah definitely, i'm really looking forward to it, thanks for inviting me."

She smiled, "of course, it'll be so much fun. You still haven't smoked before, have you?" She laughed a little.

"Nope, I haven't smoked, drank, or done anything relating to those things. Always wanted to though."

"How have you made it all the way to your junior year without smoking or drinking?" Hunter looked absolutely shocked, "are.. wait.. don't tell me you're a virgin!?"

"Jesus, Hunter, get personal why don't you!" Hailee shook her head laughing.

I laughed too, "It's cool, if you must know," I playfully rolled my eyes, "yes, I am a virgin."

"Ohhhhh you're one of those girls holding out till' marriage huh? I can respect that." Michael said.

"No!" I laughed, "I'm just waiting until I know i'm completely ready." 

"Huh, never thought about that, i'm sure the 11 girls i've been with haven't eit-"

"Anyways!" Hailee interrupted Matthew, chuckling, "it's gonna be a fun party. I can't wait to see you there. And you can experience a few new things if you're down."

"Don't worry, we'll take care of you." Michael chimed in.

The bell rang, letting us know that lunch was now over and fifth period awaited us. 

"Text me okay?" Hailee said to me, "Bye guys." 

We all parted ways and I was actually looking forward to this party. I was never really a party type, I'm more of a stay home and binge watch shows till 6 AM while eating junk food kind of girl but it was time for a change. No more staying home feeling sorry for myself.

Omg I haven't updated this book in literally months and i'm so sorry. I hope you guys like it so far. I'm definitely trying to get back into writing and updating more it's just hard because I want it to be good and I'm always like fighting w myself about which way I want the story to go.

I also updated my other book 'One More Day' Yesterday and plan on updating it again hopefully tomorrow.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2017 ⏰

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