Sjin's madness, Duncan's battle

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Sjin sharpened his sword, laughing. He didn't know what was so funny. He just laughed.

  "Duncan... You will pay for taking Kim... Don't worry Kim... I'm coming to rescue you..." He sharpened the sword, his mind reeling with a sort of dizzy happiness. Delusions crowded his mind, false reassurance clouding his common sense. His voice of reason no longer had an effect on him, no matter how loudly it screamed. "Duncan must die, he must" Sjin kept repeating, Kim's happy smile preventing him from seeing sense.

  "Don't do it Sjin."

  "I don't care."

  "Kim doesn't love you Sjin."

  "She's a tease. Pretended to despise me."

  "Do you truly believe that?"

  "Yes. I do. Because I love Kim. She loves me too. Duncan is a liar, a distraction."

  Sjin held his sword, mumbling incoherent curses at Duncan, marching towards their home...

  Kim could feel something coming. She knew something was wrong. Kim moved closer to Duncan, burying her face into his shirtless chest.

  'Sjin...' She realised, hearing a familiar tune as Sjin approached. Sjin hummed a tune, the sword clanging at his side.

  "DUNCAN! Put some clothes on, Sjin's coming..." She frantically woke Duncan up. Duncan, recognising Kim's tone threw on a shirt and armor. Kim ran around, looking for her sword.

  "Quick! Go hide." Duncan said, and Kim ran into the basement, praying that Sjin was simply there to greet them. She could hear the sound of Duncan opening the door, Sjin was saying something she couldn't hear, Duncan was replying, Sjin was shouting "Where have you hidden her?!"

  'Oh no.' Kim knew. It was about her. Sure, she and Sjin dated once, but it was before he blew her up. She hated him, hated how obsessive he was, how restricting, rude and unsympathetic he was. They broke up, perhaps initiating the blowing up of Kim.

  'No... Duncan!' Her head screamed as she hid behind her chest of Strawfinger's chicken. She could hear the sound of swords clashing, the sound of Duncan fighting for her, the sound of Sjin's mad laughter. And finally... The scream of agony from Duncan as Sjin slashed at Duncan.

  "I'm sorry Kim..." He said, falling to the ground, barely conscious, blood spilling from an open wound on his arm. He couldn't tell if it hurt or not. He could only feel overwhelming guilt from being unable to save Kim. When Sjin attacked he wasn't prepared. Duncan didn't want to fight, and now he lost. He could hear Kim screaming, but he couldn't move. He could only feebly whisper "No... Kim... Sjin don't..." as he lost consciousness.

  "Kim..." Sjin smiled madly at her, as Kim backed away from him into a wall.

  "Stay away." She said, pointing her sword at him. Sjin only laughed, looking all over her, examining her.

  "Duncan is gone... We can be together, at last..."


  "Aren't you a stubborn one... Never mind, I know how you truly feel... You love me Kim. You know that."


  Before she finished her sentence, Sjin grabbed her sword's hilt, pushing it backwards, knocking it away from her, his own sword, the Kimslayer, raised above his head. He smiled madly, and for a moment, a split second, before his voice of reason tore through, screaming "No Sjin! Didn't you love Kim?"

'Love, hah. She treated me like a fool.'

"You thought she was a tease, don't kill the girl you love." And this second of confusion was enough for Kim to try and make her escape, before Sjin broke through again and backed her up against the wall, laughing, smiling madly, insanity finally taking over his mind, his voice of reason crumbling apart...

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