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A/N Hello! This is the sequel I promised:D And I just wanted to tie this story to my other story, A Skeleton-Born, An Enderborn, and a Desert Thief. If you haven't read that yet I suggest you do so now, otherwise you would be very confused. I seem to be tying every fanfic I write to that story now. But yeah read that first, then read this sequel.

-Kyoko OUT-

Life was great.

That is what Duncan is thinking at this very moment. Life was great.

The keyword being "was". He slammed the phone back onto the receiver, a depressing conversation with a friend. Duncan paced about their room. How was he going to tell Kim without worrying her? How could he keep her safe?

Earlier that night, Duncan made sure Kim was comfortable in bed, and went ahead to make more things for their big project to get to the moon. He liked his life as it was, he liked having Kim as his girlfriend. There was no danger of Sjin, and they were finally on good terms with Rythian and Zoey. Everything was great. Until the phone rang.

"Hello, this is Duncan." An exhausted scientist said. There was an anxious voice on the other end.

"Duncan? Oh thank god it's you who answered! I can't imagine if it was Kim... This is Lewis. From Yoglabs. And we have a very bad situation here." Said Lewis. Duncan was confused, and worried.

"What bad situation?"

"Uh. Israphel bad..."

"What happened?"

"Duncan, Sjin escaped." Came the worst news possible. All thoughts of happy days, every day spent, every second with Kim, and every future happiness to come, they were all dying into black. It had all gone wrong, and Duncan knew, deep down that he could not tell Kim what was going on. He had to take her to safety, somewhere far away, away from this world. He must keep her safe. But so many questions surrounded him...

"What do you mean Lewis?! I thought his memories are being altered! I though Rythian was going to-"

"We don't know. Rythian's been working day and night changing his memories, but just now I went down to check on him, and Rythian was just lying there all bruised and in really bad shape. He's still in a coma."

"Then... What now?"

"I don't know. But I do know that we have to find Sjin first. A half mad man with modified and contradictory memories isn't good."

"I'd find a way to keep Kim occupied and get ourselves to another Dimension."

"That would be best." Lewis said, and Duncan glanced around him, Tiddles the cat nuzzling it's head against Duncan's leg. A lot of work had gone into making all these things in the Overworld.

But he must say goodbye to all of it. For Kim. And he must not let Kim realise what had happened. He must not...


"Kim, let's go to a different dimension." He said, and her eyes went wide.

"Why? We've already been to the moon."

"Well it's fun to find new places and some dimensions are beautiful." He said quickly, making up an excuse. She looked at him strangely, but then she giggled.

"Okay!" The girl agreed, and their new journey began, where Duncan hoped. they would be safe. He hoped.

That night he made sure Kim was sound asleep again, before he grabbed a jetpack and made his way to Yoglabs. On his way there, the lack of Kim's harsh chiding started to make him feel uneasy. He didn't want to leave her alone back at the house, but he had already taken all the precautionary measures possible. The only real danger, was if Kim awoke before he did. Reassuring himself that all would be alright for the last time, he carried on, a gun in hand, and he could only think about how he felt like a soldier marching into battle... Was he going to get injured, or would he go home in victory?

The answer was clear, as Simon hurriedly pulled Duncan through the door before he could knock. Everyone was waiting, he had said. Simon dragged Duncan by the hand into the hospital wing, where Rythian was awake and sitting up in a bed, a group surrounding him. He looked alright, but his face was covered in bandages, even his mask was removed and replaced with wrapping. Rythian glanced at Duncan, but then he looked away awkwardly.

"Hello Duncan." Said Lewis, breaking the serious atmosphere that lingered in the air. The whole group turned to face him, making Duncan feel slightly uncomfortable and nervous. He could then see who were those present.

There was Zoey, and Teep the Dinosaur, visiting Rythian.

There was Minty and Sips, offering bits of information on the possible whereabouts of Sjin.

There was a girl he recognised, and a familiar ice-haired boy. And he could not meet her eyes.

It was Amelia and Tull. The people he had hurt and never properly apologised to. She looked the same, beautiful as she was when he last saw her. Even as feelings faded he was reminded of the fact that he once loved a beautiful girl, but never cherished her. He noticed that she now had black markings on her arms, and wondered why. But Amelia seemed at peace, a serene smile playing on her lips, as the Desert thief held her hand, their fingers laced together. She had moved on. And so should he.

But what on earth were those two doing there?

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