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There had been another report of dark guild members roaming the streets at night in Crocus or so was the news Jellal got from a reliable source. He had been walking the streets, careful to keep within the shadows. He noticed how the streets were becoming less crowded as the sun began to disappear behind some tall buildings.

Three days from now there was going to be a large Fairy Tail festive. The royal family insisted on a big celebration since their revival. A small smile displayed on his thin lips. Erza had invited him to join the others for the party now that he no longer had to disguise himself as Mystogan of Fairy Tail. He and the others in Crime Sorciere had infiltrated a dark guild that was closely associated with Zeref and in the process the Magic Council pardoned them for nabbing vicious mages that could rival the members of Tartaros.

Now, that he had his freedom, the ex-criminal was uncertain what to do so he continued with his original plan, to seek out dark guilds. The other members of Crime Sorciere decided to keep up with their duties, feeling that they still hadn't atoned enough for their indiscretion in misuse of power. He felt the same so he kept close tabs with Fairy Tail and in the shadows, he apprehended dark mages for misusing their power.

In this instance, he was on a solo-mission, looking for a group of males who attacked women at night for fun. Jellal better hurry and take care of the nuisance before the Grand Magic Games. Many tourists were traveling from afar to see the games and it wouldn't do to have many female tourists missing during the events.

He spent the rest of the night walking around the bustling town when he felt a strange magical aura. It tickled his skin, causing him to be aware of another mage, one that felt slightly familiar but at the same time there was something off about the magic. Jellal moved into the shadows of the buildings, distancing himself from the streetlights as he watched a small form careening from the sky. Another feminine figure -with pink hair- popped out of nowhere instantly creating piles of wool on the ground. The blond figure slammed into it, her body heaving for air before staggering to her feet.

The pink haired woman bowed as she apologized while the blond quickly smiled at her and then the strange woman vanished along with the wool. The magic was similar to what he had witnessed during the Grand Magic Games. The blond was a celestial mage with the ability to summon celestial spirits. Besides Yukino from Sabertooth, there was one other person with the ability to summon spirits but she disappeared a while back.

If she was the one Fairy Tail was looking for, he better keep his eyes on her. So he followed her from a distance, instantly noting that she must have detected his presence because she seemed flighty. She turned into the direction of an alleyway, which was considered a dangerous move. At least with people around, she had a fighting chance to get away but in a secluded area, she made herself more vulnerable unless she wanted to draw him away from bystanders.

Perhaps she had spotted him several times as he remained in the shadows. His dark clothing helped him to camouflage with his surroundings as he wore all black but she did turn back a couple of times. She even glanced his way at times as though she sensed him but he wasn't going to confront her. He was one to scope out his environment before interaction. Erza had warned him that the celestial mage didn't want to be found. He remembered when Fairy Tail was getting back on its feet, he had decided to contact Erza directly using the compact communications lacrima.

"Jellal," the scarlet haired woman said with shock evident in her tone.

"It's been awhile, Erza," Jellal greeted. The compact communications lacrima was convenient to carry around, however, unlike the communications lacrima crystal, he couldn't see who he was conversing with.

There was a moment of silence.

"Erza?" He knew his friend at times got shy around him.

"Uh, sorry, it's just that this is unexpected."

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