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The moment Jellal and Lucy crawled out the tunnel, the blond asked for the maid to fill the hole.  The pink haired spirit nodded her head stoically and caused a bunch of rocks and dirt to fall down the hole.  Not wasting time, the blue-haired male took the blond's hand and began running down the alley.

"Where are we going?" Lucy shouted behind him.  He paused, his hand gripping her wrist tightly. 

He examined his surroundings.  "We have to get somewhere far."

She tugged, her wrist wiggling in Jellal's grasp.  "Let go."

"I can't."

"Jellal, let go."

"They're going to find us."

"I said let go."  Her voice became firm.

He did as he was instructed and turned toward her.  The celestial mage's face was serious as she crossed her arms over her busty chest.

"How did they know?"


"How can they find us so easily?  You said we were going to leave Crocus."

He had to be careful what he said next.  "What are you saying?"

She uncrossed her arms and walked toward him.  She dabbed a finger at his chest.  "You could have told them about me."


"Don't Lucy me."

He raised his hands.  He said his words slowly.  "I won't, I wouldn't do anything..."

Her hand fell to her side as she interrupted him.  "I heard that so many times before."

"Those dragon slayers were not same ones from your guild."

"But they sensed me and that means they can tell the others from Fairy Tail." The celestial mage made sure to look him in the eyes.  "I meant what I told you in the beginning.  I'm not returning to Fairy Tail."

"And I respect your decision."

She crossed her arms once again.  "Do you really?"


The brick wall shuddered, making the blond pivot on her feet.  Her brown eyes widened.  Jellal acted quickly.  He grabbed her arm and dashed in the opposite direction.

"Why are they after us?" she shouted as she let Jellal lead her down the streets. They maneuvered easily through the crowds of people on the streets.

"We sensed them," he yelled over his shoulder. 

They continued running around.  Jellal passed through the streets where they were large groups of people.  He pushed his way through some of the groups, apologizing for both of them.  But by making contact with other folks, he was getting rid of their scents. Eventually, the other dragon slayers would lose track of them because their scent would be on everyone else.

He slowed down, moving into jog, recalling there was an inn nearby.  The blond behind him was panting heavily for air but she didn't complain about being tired.  He admired her for that.

"There's a place we can stay for tonight."  He took lead once again.

She didn't respond, so he took her answer as a "yes."

He passed through the last group, opening glass doors that led inside to a lobby area. He kept a firm grip on Lucy's wrist as he made his way to the front desk to order a room for them.


Jellal had ordered a small room with one large bed -being that the other rooms with two beds were occupied for the night.  It was quite a luxury compared to sleeping in a filthy alleyway.  And she was grateful for the bathroom.

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