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Food had a way of perking up people. It was a strategy Erza noticed and revealed to him. She used the method on Natsu and Gray since both teammates were gullible but not Lucy. The celestial mage seemed immune to food. Jellal recalled one of Erza's adventures she shared with him. Team Natsu were traveling through a desert when hunger started irritating them. They had stumbled into a monster and imagined ways of eating it once they killed it. Lucy was the only one unaffected by starvation.

But watching the blond enjoy her little snack, he couldn't think otherwise. Food rejuvenated her into good spirits; she was no longer giving him suspicious looks or talking about separating ways.

"So," she started after finishing her donut, "What are you going to do after you accomplished your mission?"

He shrugged his shoulders. "I haven't put much thought into my next move."

She stopped talking to him, lost in her thoughts. He took the time to bite his donut and sip his bland black coffee.

"I'm going to get the point," she eventually said.

"Lucy," he said. Somehow, he could read her out. Fairy Tail was coming into Crocus for the Grand Magic Games and she must be wondering if he was going to detain her until then.

"I'm not returning to Fairy Tail," she replied bluntly.

The heavenly body mage blinked at her. He wasn't expecting her to be so straightforward.

"Not after...." She turned her head away from him. "Why are you here?"

"I told you I was here for the dark guild."

"So, you're not here for the Grand Magic Games?" she asked while moving her head to look at him once more.

Looking into her brown eyes, he saw the hurt she tried to mask from him.

"Lucy-." He paused. What was he going to tell her exactly? He had to stay in Crocus to contact Erza about the dark guild. She was the one who tipped him on the missing tourists.

Suddenly, there was a loud pop and people began screaming. The place became chaotic and before Jellal knew what he was doing, he grabbed the celestial mage's arm. Lucy yelled out something, which went unheard but he saw a flash of light and felt the buzz of magic in the air. And then the light faded. The heavenly mage rushed them down an alleyway.

They continued to run down the streets. Each one started to look alike but he had scouted the place during daylight hours and memorized the street names. Even with his eyes closed, he knew he was heading in the right direction. They needed to get out of the streets as soon as possible. The best place to remain unnoticed for the night was in the forest.

He glanced at her, seeing the wariness in her eyes. She looked over her shoulder, acting like they were being chased. Perhaps the dark guild members had friends that Jellal somehow missed.

"Who-?" she began asking. He put a finger to her lips, hoping the action would quiet her.

A bunch of footsteps thumped from behind them and Jellal realized they weren't going to make it into the forest. Quickly, he scanned his surroundings, viewing a darkened part of the alleyway. He pulled her into him and twisted their bodies so that her back hit the wall. They were both breathing hard as he felt the heat from her smaller frame against him. He could control his breathing, but he was unable to tell if Lucy could too. He placed a larger hand over her face.

"Lucy," he breathed. "Shh."

All they were left to do was wait for the threat to pass them.

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