So last night i got home really late, my mom was really worried, as soon as i came in she hugged me and started crying telling me how sorry she was, and so of course i agreed to the marriage. The problem with me is that i can not deny the people i love what they want. I can not bear to see them unhappy. This sucked i was getting married after a week, i had broken the news to Brooke and Jay last night, yes even the suicide part. Jay cried for a straight hour over the phone and Brooke scared the shit of my mum by showing up at 12am and crying as well. Sheesh these guys need to get a grip, i mean don't take this the wrong way i love them for caring its just that i feel like crying too now but i won't i'm Rachel Sawyer Britain's most wanted, i haven't cried for two whole years and i'm not gonna start now.

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