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Hi it's me. So like as you will read this is was my first ever story...So it's cringey and really bad I will probably rewrite this at some point but for now enjoy this cringey mess.

So I Just Wanted To Say This Is My First Ever Story So Sorry If There's Any Error's Anyway So Here's The Story!

I Know This Is Madison Beer But In This Story, She's Called Lily!

I Know This Is Madison Beer But In This Story, She's Called Lily!

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Lily's P.O.V

It's 3:00 am And I'm Awake Working On A Project For Uni A Romeo And Juliet Project DAWM I'm Starving Time To Raid The Cupboard!

2 minutes later

Great No Food Well That's What I Get For Sharing A Dorm With A Person Who Eats's Everything  Gotta Run To The Gas Station The ONLY Place That's Open At This Time I Ran And Put On My Converse And My Sweatshirt

I Grab My Car Key's And Drive To The Gas Station I Get There And Look At The Drinks And Decide What I Want I Ended Up Choosing Red Bull To Keep Me Awake While Working On My Project I Could Hear At Least 5 Boys In The Other Aisle Jeez Why The Hell ...

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I Grab My Car Key's And Drive To The Gas Station I Get There And Look At The Drinks And Decide What I Want I Ended Up Choosing Red Bull To Keep Me Awake While Working On My Project I Could Hear At Least 5 Boys In The Other Aisle Jeez Why The Hell Are Boys So Loud As I'm Walking Out The Aisle The Boys Were Walking Past And I Assidently Bumped Into One Of Them And His Water Squirted All Over Him And His Sweatshirt Ended Up Soaked Luckily His Friend Was Holding His Camera "Sorry!" I Said He Stopped Looking At The Floor And He Started Looking Forward And He Said What The He... And He Stopped And Stood There Staring At Me And Then One Of His Friends Starting Waving His Hand Infront Of His Face Trying To Wake Him Up Out Of His Daydream

 And He Stopped And Stood There Staring At Me And Then One Of His Friends Starting Waving His Hand Infront Of His Face Trying To Wake Him Up Out Of His Daydream

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He Stood There Like That For About 15 minutes Then He Finally Woke Up And Then I Went To Pay For My Things!

Jakes P.O.V

I Don't Know What It Was About That Girl But She Made Me Lost For Words And Gave Me A Tingly Feeling And It Is Just Really Weird Honestly!

Mikey's  P.O.V

I Honestly Don't Know What Was Wrong With The Dude He Just Spaced Out That Has Never Happened Before He Has Never Done That Over Someone Before Either

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I Honestly Don't Know What Was Wrong With The Dude He Just Spaced Out That Has Never Happened Before He Has Never Done That Over Someone Before Either

"Are You Okay Now Daddy Dufner." I Said

"Yes Mama Manfs." He Said

"That Was Weird Dude What The Hell Happened" I Asked

"I Actually Don't Know Bro I Actually Don't Know" He Replied Staring Back At The Girl

Lily's P.OV

I Was About To Get Into My Car Then

"Wait You Forgot This!"

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