2 Weeks For Fun!

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So I've got 2 weeks left with Jake till I move to LA I can't believe it these months have gone past so fast it's so hard to believe like I've known them for 6/7 months now I guess that saying is right Time flys by when you're having fun! like I haven't smiled this much since I was 6 then I met these guys and now well I can't stop I love these guys like Mikey, Gavin, Moreno, and Joe are like brothers to me and Riley is like the sister I never had there like family  I don't know what I would do if I never met these guys! So I just told Jake the news and were just sitting here in silence I could tell Jake wanted to say something but couldn't get it out "Jake?" I Said


"Never Forget Me!" I Said

"How Could I I'll Never Forget You Your The Best Thing That Has Ever Happened To Me!" He Explained

I just scooted closer to him and turned his head so it was facing me and stroked my fingers through his hair and rubbed my thumb on his bottom lip and then leaned in and kissed him and all I know is I will miss him I was thinking the exact thing that Jake said he's the best thing that has ever happened to me! We then pulled away and stood up 'cause we need to tell Manfs! Manfs was in the kitchen attempting to make breakfast I walked over to him and helped him a little bit then when we finished we all sat down on the couch Manfs got a bit worried "I need to tell ya something, Mikey!" I Explained   Mikey then looked at Jake I already know what he's gonna say in 1...2...3 "You didn't get her pregnant did ya, bro?" Mikey Asked "No dude not that!" Jake Replied

"So What Is It Then?" Mikey Asked

"Well...!" I explained everything you could see Manfs' expression change from smiling to frowning

"Lily I know this is your dream I respect that but what about us?" Mikey Asked

"I don't know!" I Replied looking down at my feet

"How long 'till ya go?" He Said

"2 Weeks!"

"2 weeks left for fun!"


Then my phone started ringing it was Jack (Avery From Why Don't We Boys), my brother

Lily Italic          Jack Bold

Hey, Bro!

Hey, Sis!

Guess were me and the bros are!


Open The Door!


I walked over to the door and opened it standing there was the band and you could see Jack by the car I walked past the boys and ran straight to Jack and hugged him I looked back at the door all you could see was Jake and Mikey with the most confused look on their faces I forgot they don't know who they are I pulled away from the hug and walked over back to the door with Jack trailing behind me like a snail :P and I got to the door I could tell what they were thinking so we all walked inside the house and explained to Jake and Manfs

"This one is Corbyn:

"This one is Corbyn:

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