Jake, we need to talk!

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2 weeks later:l

Today, was the day the day I find out if I got in I'm so scared I just can't believe it it's been so quick I don't want to leave the guys I'll miss them so much on the right hand this is all I've ever dreamed of but then, on the other hand, i'll miss them I just woke up Jake was sleeping so I was trying not to wake him up I reached for my phone to text Riley:

Riley Bold Lily Italic (Ella, if you read the last chapter Ya know what I mean)

Hey, Riley awake

Yeah, babe what's up?

Today's the day

What do you mean?

Hospital Volunteer thing

Oh, Damn, I forgot



I Got An Email Now!

OMG Check It!




I Got It!


Wait what will Jake say?

I don't know you gotta tell him tho!

I know...

But I'm scared!

Don't be boo everything will be okay he'll understand!

We Hope!

We don't hope...we know!

Gotta go he's waking up!

K See ya!

See ya!

End Of Texts

Hey, Babe, I said kissing his forehead

Goodmorning! He said

What ya doing! He Asked

Nothing! I Replied

I'm gonna get changed! I Said standing up

Okay He Said

I picked up some clothes and walked to the bathroom then got changed:

I picked up some clothes and walked to the bathroom then got changed:

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then I walked out and started doing my hair:

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then I walked out and started doing my hair:

then Jake walked into the bathroom to get changed then after woods I did my makeup:

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then Jake walked into the bathroom to get changed then after woods I did my makeup:

then Jake walked into the bathroom to get changed then after woods I did my makeup:

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then Jake  walked out I already knew what that meant I...needed to tell him this was the bit I was worried about I said to him "Jake we need to talk!"

Okay He said sitting on the bed I walked over and sat beside him Jake, you remember when you were mad at me? I Asked

Yeah? He Replied Well I thought I had nothing left here then I found this Hospital Volunteer thing! I Explained That's great that's your dream job! Jake said But... I Said

But What? Jake Asked It's In LA I Said Oh Jake Said For 2 years I said finishing my sentence

2 years, LA? Jake said repeating me

Yep I said And I Got It I Explained

Well done Jake Said Smiling

I Could tell he was proud of me but also he wanted me to stay

Jake, I want to stay with you with everyone but I got to take this chance this might be a 1 in a life time thing! I explained

No matter how far we may be Jake I will always love you and I'll always be here in your heart! I Said while my voice was cracking then before I knew it water was dripping down Jake's eyes then soon after mine were doing the same I'll miss him more than anything

I Love You Jake I Said hugging him

I Love You To Lily He Said hugging me back

                   Hi, guys sorry I haven't uploaded in forever but as you know school has started and I won't be able to upload as much as usual so I think that's all I got to say! And as always!


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