Chapter 8

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The minute that followed after Ash drank the potion was the longest minute of Zane's life. A million thoughts ran through his head. What if the potion did hurt Ash? What if it worked but there were bad side-affects? What if the potion permanently made Ash forget who he was? These were the things he was most worried about.

Ash suddenly grinned at them, "It worked I remember who I am!"

"Really?" Zane asked grinning as widely as Ash was.

"Yeah, I'm Ash and you guys are Zane, Lewis and Emma. My best friends!"

"Yes!" Zane shouted and engulfed Ash in a hug. Emma and Lewis also cheered and joined in the hug. They stayed that way for some time, when they released Ash, Zane saw Ash try to discreetly wipe his eyes. Under any other circumstances Zane would have made fun of Ash for it, but given everything he had been through Zane didn't blame him. Zane hugged Ash again, so Ash could hide his face in his shoulder. However, after a couple of minutes Ash pushed him away. Surprised Zane looked at him in confusion. Ash looked angry.

"I also remember you and Lewis are the reason I lost my memory, because you tried to erase Emma's memory of finding out we are mermen!" Ash shouted.

"Look Ash, we're really sorry about that", Lewis said.

"Sorry isn't good enough, I could have lived my life not knowing who I am. And I'm not the only one you should be apologising to", Ash said and stormed out of the house.

"Ash!" Zane shouted and was about to go after him, but Emma stopped.

"Let him go, he needs time to process what he went through." Emma said.

"We really are sorry Emma", Lewis said.

"I know, I need some time to think about this too", Emma said and also left.

When Emma left Zane sighed and sat down, he was so happy that Ash had got his memory back that he had almost forgotten he was the cause of him losing it in the first place. Lewis sat down next to him and put his hand on his shoulder.

"At least the potion worked, things could have been so much worse", Lewis said.

"Yeah, but now Ash hates us".

"He doesn't hate us, he's just angry with us and he has a right to be. He'll come around".

"I guess, I still think we should try and erase Emma's memory of us being mermen".

Lewis gaped at Zane, "Seriously? After everything that happened with Ash".

"There's still a chance that Emma could turn us in. Especially after this fiasco".

"Fiasco, I'm surprised you know that word", Lewis said grinning trying to take Zane's mind off the Emma situation.

Zane glared at him, "My dad has been trying to get me to do some reading, I've done some but I hate it. And don't change the subject".

Lewis sighed, "It's too risky Zane, don't do it".

"Fine, I won't", Zane said, but still held on to the thought. If it looked like Emma was going to turn them in, he would erase her memory of them, he wouldn't let them be turned into lab rats.

Lewis didn't look convinced, "I promise I won't", Zane insisted.

Lewis smiled at him, "Good, it is still quite early. Want to watch a movie?"

"Yeah that sound great", Zane replied smiling back, and the two spent the rest of the evening watching movies.

When Ash got home he tried to run to his room but his mother spotted him.

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