Chapter 26

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While Ash was being comforted by Lewis and Zane, the girls went to check on Lara in the car. But Emma felt her heart drop when she saw that Lara was not in the car, she had left and could be anywhere. None of them had noticed her leave, Emma bet Lara used the distraction of Denman to her advantage. 

Emma feared for Ash's safety, both Lara and Denman were after him. She knew that even though Lewis' mother, well Jessie not his biological mother had threatened her, Denman wouldn't give up so easily. Not when she knew the truth about Ash and how valuable he was. Emma wished she didn't have to tell Ash that Lara had gone, but she couldn't lie given that Lara wasn't here. 

"Ash I'm so sorry, Lara is gone", Emma said as she hugged him tightly. 

Ash froze in fear. He was afraid of what Lara was planning, but with Emma hugging him he felt safer. He knew that she and his friends would protect him from Lara and Denman. "It's okay I know you will protect me". 

Emma smiled reassuringly at Ash, "Of course I will". 

"Hey lovebirds, we are protecting him too", Zane said in mock irritation. 

"You said you knew the whole time about Ash, how did you know?" Rikki asked Jessie, she needed answers and she knew her friends did too. 

"Yeah and how is Denman my mother?" Lewis said. 

"I have a lot to tell you, let's get out of here first I'll take you all to my house". 

The others agreed, it would be safer to discuss these things in privacy. As no one would be able to overhear them. Lewis' father and siblings were out, so the house was empty. Ash was still reeling from what Denman had done to him, he was so grateful that Emma sensed this and she held his hand and hugged him the whole drive back to his house. 

Lewis too was in shock, he couldn't believe the woman he had believed was his aunt his whole live was actually his biological mother! He was upset with his mum for keeping this from him but at the same time he knew she would have her reasons for it and wanted to hear her out. He was so relieved that Cleo knew the truth about them now, he didn't need to keep secrets from her anymore. Or keep his distance so she wouldn't find out.  

Lewis sat down next to Cleo when they arrived at his house and felt his heart warm when Cleo moved closer to him and cuddled him. "How did you know about Ash and how is Denman my mother?" 

Jessie sighed, "I'm so sorry Lewis, I didn't want you to find out this way. Linda really is my sister, but she had you when she had just started her first year of university. I'm older than Linda and already had a steady job so I was able to look after you". 

16 years ago... 

"Linda he's your son, are you sure you want to do this?" Jessie said. 

"I won't let him ruin my career. My course is full time I won't have time to look after him and I'm not married unlike you. You know what our parents are like, they will disown me for having a child before I'm married". 

"But he will grow up not knowing you are his mother-"

"I know, but the world has to think he is your son. If my friends find out they will hate me for abandoning him, please you have to do this and keep it a secret". 

"Okay, I will do this for you. But please, even if he doesn't know you are his mother stay in his life". 

Linda looked away to discreetly wipe her tears, "I don't know if I can. It will be too painful seeing him". 

"He deserves to know you, please Linda". 

"Okay but he has to think I'm his aunt he can't know the truth". 

"You and I are the only ones who will know the truth", Jessie promised, she felt guilty keeping this from her husband and best friends. But the fewer people who knew the safer the secret was. 


"I promised Linda to keep it a secret from you Lewis, I hope you can forgive me for this. I didn't know how dangerous Linda would become".  

"This is a lot to take in, I need some air", Lewis said and left to sit in the back garden. 

"He will forgive you, he just needs time", Cleo assured Jessie and followed Lewis to the garden. 

"How did you know about Ash being a merman?" Zane said. He never expected Jessie to know this or Denman to be Lewis' mother. This made things so much more complicated and dangerous. Especially if Denman found out Lewis and he were mermen too. Zane didn't know if Denman would still experiment on Lewis as he was her son, but after what she had done to Ash, Zane wasn't sure if Lewis was safe from her. And he was determined to protect him and Ash. 

"I saw him transforming into a merman but he didn't see me and I kept it to myself all this time". 

Ash shared a meaningful look with the others, this seemed to imply that Jessie didn't know her son and Zane were mermen too. He wanted to ask to be certain, but he couldn't ask without saying they were mermen. 

"Mrs McCartney, no one can know that Ash is a merman. Please continue keeping it a secret". Rikki said anxiously. 

"Don't worry Rikki, Ash is like another son to me. I would never betray his secret", Jessie said as she gave Ash a reassuring smile. 

"Thank you that means a lot to me", Ash said returning her smile. 

 "You are more than welcome, I know what would happen if people found out about you and I won't let that happen". 

Meanwhile Cleo found Lewis outside sitting on the garden bench staring into space. Cleo was worried about him. Finding out the woman who had tortured his best friend and would most likely do the same to him if she found out he was a merman too, was so much so much to take in.

Cleo gently tapped Lewis' arm to bring him back from his thoughts, "Are you okay Lewis?" 

"Yeah I just can't believe Denman is my mother. You didn't see how badly she hurt Ash, I feel so guilty". 

"Denman was the one who tortured him, you can't choose who your mother is". 

"I know but, I had to make it look like I was on her side. I had to hurt Ash, what if I become like her?" 

"Ash knows you did that to save him, and you didn't hurt him as badly as she did. You won't ever become like her". 

"How can you be so certain?"

"Because you are Lewis, my best friend. You are the kindest person I know". 

Lewis smiled gratefully at Cleo, he wished he could kiss Cleo but he was afraid of losing her. So he restrained himself and hugged her instead. 

Denman had escaped and was sitting on the beach staring at the ocean. Denman was determined to prove that Ash was a merman. She didn't care who would get hurt in the process, she had to get him back. Denman would not rest until she had Ash back. And until she made Lewis love her. She was his mother, she was determined to make him see how much she loved him. 

Denman smiled to herself, "Make your days in the sun count Ash, soon you will lose your freedom and never see the sun again". 

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