chapter 2

12 0 0

few days later.

" hyejin!! wake up! someone is looking for you. " yoongi said. who the fuck would look for me at 9:00 am? until the clock strikes 12, it's early.

" who the fuck is looking for me? "

" i think her name is nayoung? "

i quickly freshen up, and went downstairs.

" nayoung-eonni"

" hyejin-ah! "

" what brings you here in daegu? "

" pledis actually asked me, to give you this. " she handed me an envelope. i opened it and it's for a survival show.

" survival show? "

" pledis picked you, me and other trainees to represent pledis, it's a show where trainees from other companies come together to compete. the top 11 will get to debut. "

" i don't know.. "

" think about it.. if your interested, come to this place this week tuesday at 10:00 am. "

" okay. thank you. good luck on your training! "

" thank you, and i really hope that you will not stop your contract with pledis. we will miss you, you know? "

" i know.. it's just hard to explain. "

" okay. "

" goodbye! thank you for coming. take care on the way back! "

i closed the door, and looked at the envelope again.

" i think you should go. " yoongi-oppa said from behind.

" you really think so? "

" yeah, even though it's not 100% certain that you will debut, it's a good experience. and come on! you've been a trainee for what? 4 years, it's time to show those skills you learned. "

" even though you said i can't rap? "

he laughed and said " i was just joking! you know, even though i'm a rapper, and i diss people, i would never diss you. "

" really? "

" nah, you can't rap for shit. "

" what the fuck oppa! "

" i'm joking! but i'm still the best rapper in the family. "

" okay, at least i can dance. unlike you, who's jealous of jimin and hoseok oppa. trying to copy them? so pathetic. "

" okay okay. you got me. "

" of course! i'm min hyejin. "

" but in serious note, you should join that. " pointing the envelope that i'm holding.

" i'll think about it. " i went the dining room to eat and. immediately go back to my room.

i started to pack my bags. i'm leaving for seoul like monday evening? today is sunday afternoon.

finally, i'm back to my training routine that went on for 4 years.

4 years ago

" hello, i'm min hyejin and from daegu. " i bowed and the trainees welcomed me.

" hi! i'm from daegu too! i'm seungcheol. "

" hello. " we shook hands and the other trainees welcomed me too.

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