A Huge neighbor?! Chapter 12

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"Um... Guys?" i wondered why they were not replying and Mike pointed to the window. 

"OH SHIT WHAT THE FUCK" i saw the neighbor standing outside but he was not his normal size. Oh no, He was like 100x Bigger! He peeked in through the window and all i could do was stand a stare in terror. He lifted up his fist and smashed down the roof and walls. I SWEAR WE WERE JUST IN THE MANSION A MINUTE AGO. no, we were all in a brightly lit white room. Furniture was scattered everywhere. AM I DREAMING? He looked frantically around like he was looking for something or someone, before getting up. He just stood there, Towering over everything. Still keeping an eye on the now huge neighbor, i said something towards my friends.

"Uh.. guys... We better get outta here..." i lead the way but soon found out that we could not leave. "theres no WAY OUT. WE ARE GONNA DIE HERE" i said in panic. "just.. just calm down! here have this umbrella maybe it will help us." Mike said, calming me down. All i could do was laugh.

"Ha! in the REAL game it would work. but this is reality! I think. it wont work" i said confidently. I then spied a ball shooter thing that was aimed at the neighbor.

"Uh... DO WE HAVE TO SHOOT HIM?" at this point i was loosing my mind. i didnt know what reality looked like anymore as it felt so real. "yes, you have to hurt him. ive already played the beta 3 so i know how this works" ok, so dan had played it? i gasped. 

i dont know how many hours or minutes or days that we were in there but we had managed to get up to the point of the ball shooter. I felt the tears roll down my cheeks.

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