But who?

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Once arriving at HQ I quickly run to my room. I hear M'gann calling my name but I don't bother to even glance back. I pray that Robin's not here... but then my mind starts to wonder what he is doing and similar things. Come to think about it, he's been on my mind nonstop lately. But I shake my head of the thought and push open my bathroom door after grabbing my key.

Using the key, I open up the locked drawer containing my blade. I pull it out and stare at it for a few seconds. Time to make up for the past twenty-four hours... I think with a sigh. Rolling up my sleeves I bring the blade to my skin, blood gushing as it leaves cuts in it's wake. This continues on both arms until a hard knock is heard on the bathroom door.

I gasp, "Uh... just a second!" I yell, quickly stripping of my clothes and grabbing a black robe, I quickly put my hair up in a towel and rush to the door. Opening it I see the one person who I can't seem to get off my mind... yet I really didn't want to see him here, Robin.

"Thought you left." He says with a raised eyebrow.

I come up with a quick lie. Walking past him and pretending to straighten the bed as I see a blood stain peeking out from under the covers, "I did, but then I realized I forgot to shower. But now I have, so if you could leave then I could change and that would be great."

I turn as he stands at my side. I meet his masked eyes as he gives me a bored look. He blinks and before I know it, pulls the towel off my head. My dry hair falling, some over my face. He immediately brushes it away and grabs my arms, pulling me closer. I hiss in pain but hope he doesn't realize it, "What were you doing in there (y/n)?" I don't answer, "What were you doing, that was so horrible that you have to lie to me?" He asks sternly.

But once again I don't answer. Instead I struggle against his hold, "Let me go..." it comes out as a whisper, making me feel smaller than I ever have. With a sigh he lets go and storms out of the room.

Why do I feel like that... conversation... isn't over? I ask myself. But I don't contemplate it as I try not to think about Boy Blunder... I throw on a over-sized green sweatshirt and ripped jeans (Pic above) as it's getting cold in Gotham. I head out the mount and ride to broken city.

Entering the fair grounds, I hide my bike behind a couple dead trees. I walk through the fair, playing with the my sleeves of my sweatshirt. Suddenly I hear a deep voice yell my name, I look up but don't see anyone and keep walking. After a while I pull out my phone and start listening to Shawn Mendes' album Illuminate. (OMG HE IS AN ANGEL!!!!!!!!!)

Then a hand lands on my shoulder. I gasp but when I'm turned around, I see a familiar face. "(Y/n)." He says out of breath.

I nod, "Mr. Grayson..."

I turn and start walking, as expected he falls into step beside me. A sigh falls from his lips, "It's Dick..." he stuffs his hands into his pockets.

I look down, "I know." I choke out. A second goes by before I murmur, "The other night..."

He cuts in, "Look... I think both our intentions were read wrong." He stops and turns me to him by my shoulders. With both hands on each of my shoulders he leans down to my level, "I would like to start this whole thing over, what happened that night... I don't know what was going through my head. Just please... let me fix it."

I breathe deeply through my nose. Thoughts racing as I felt him lightly squeeze my shoulders. Why does this feel so much like-- no stop. Now is not the time to be thinking about pee-brain! Instead I give a light smile, "Ok."

He smirks charmingly, straightening up. "Well then, cotton candy?" He gestures to a stand where pink and blue bags littered the wall.

I pushed out a laugh, finding it hard to have fun when my own brother just abandoned me. And something... just something about this, being with him, it doesn't seem right. Like he should be someone else, and whoever that someone else is, should be the one making me smile for real. But who? No one has ever done that... right?

Nonetheless I plastered on a smile and skipped ahead reluctantly, "Only if we go on the farris wheel next!"

**Timeskip until after the fair**

"So..." his hands went to his pockets once again. "I guess I'll see you around."

"Maybe, I'm usually in Starling and all. But at Wayne gala next month for sure." I assured him.

"Right. Speaking of Star, it's quite late... you sure you're in for the walk. I could always drive you." He suggests.

I walk over to my bike, "Thanks for the offer..." I pull it from behind the trees, "but I think I'll manage." I hop on as we say our good-byes. Revving the engine, I speed by tons of damaged cars and out of the large, broken city. I enter Star's highways, and drive by as a few cars lined the streets. My mind starts to wonder as I mindlessly swerve in and out of the small amount of traffic.

I start to wonder about Dick, he's a nice guy I'll give him that. And he's got the looks that's for sure. But something was making me hold back tonight, more than usual. I sigh as I enter the gardens and hop off the bike. Walking down the path and into the house, something was really pulling at me this afternoon. It really seemed wrong, being with him. Like he should've been something, someone, else.

I enter the kitchen and grab a bowl of oatmeal. (Fun fact: I despise oatmeal...) I sit lazily on the coach and turn on the news, sitting my oatmeal on the coffee table. The clock beams, 10:53 but I'm not ready for bed. Especailly not when what I see, what I hear, makes me bolt up right. Adrenaline pumps through me suddenly as I stare at the screen. And just as that mesmerizing laugh reaches my ears, I know.

I fell for the boy wonder...

And I'm gonna pay the price.

Different Worlds  (Dick Grayson *Robin* x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now