Chapter Thorty-Six : Minato? Dad!

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Naruto is lying in front of me, vitally wounded and I am doing my best to keep him alive. I am pumping his heart myself, so he won't die. But it isn't helping and I don't know what else to do. I have to save him, I can't anyone else die. 

Tears start streaming down my face, blurrying my vision, but I don't stop. I have to save Naruto, even if it means my death. 

"Sakura, let me help." I hear painfully familiar voice and someone puts his hands atop of mine. I freeze, looking up slowly and not believing my eyes. He is there, smiling at me while curing his own child. 

"Minato...?" I ask confused and look at him, tears gathering in my eyes. He smiles and looks down at Naruto, which brings me back to reality. We are saving him, together. I never thought this time would ever come, but here we are, pumping life into Namikaze-Uzumaki Naruto.

The minute he opens his eyes, I hug him tightly, crying in the process.

"Baka!" I yell loudly and hit him in the head. "Don't you ever dare to die!" I yell again and hug him.

"I am proud of you Sakura." Someone else puts his hands on my shoulder and I start shaking. I look back, he is there, smiling at me, his pinkish hair blowing in the wind.

"DAD!" I yell loudly and hug him tightly. Tears streaming down my face, my whole body shaking. "I missed you, so freaking much." I whisper in low voice and hug him even tighter, afraid that if I let him go, he will disappear again.

"Don't worry Sakura-chan." He whispers and pats my head. I let him go and smile at him through tears.

"No hugs for me, huh?" Fugaku appears out of nowhere and I hug him too. I have missed them, all of them.

"Dad?" I hear Sasuke's faint voice and I turn to him, moving away from his father and letting him hug him. I was never expectig this from Sasuke, but I guess even he has some human emotions. Sasuke is crying, his tears escaping his eyes. His Ranningan is blazing, while his Sharingan is activated.

"I am so proud of you, son." Fugaku whispers and Sasuke hugs him even tighter. I look at them, happy to see him like that.

"We have to go, Fugaku." MInato looks at reunion of father and son. "We have to help previous Hokages." Fugaku nods and Sasuke leaves him alone, letting him go and looking at him with happy face.

"I need to go too, Sakura-chan." Dad whispers and hugs me one more time. "I knew you would grow up beautiful lady." I blush, but nod at him and he too joins his squad.

"Team Seven is back?" Naruto looks at me and I nod, then we both look at Sasuke, who is smiling at us. Kakashi jumps next to us, with Obito at his tail. We look at each other, smirking to each other and after a minute we are all thrown into different dimension.


I really hate that woman, she keeps playing with us with her dimensions and gravitation. She says nothing, not even Black Zetsu is talking anymore. We are all in the red earth, gravity squashing us and barely making us able to walk.

Kaguya and Black Zetsu are in front of us, getting ready to kill Obito and Kakashi, who are standing and trying to fight them. My eyes are teary again, I am trying my best to stand up and fight her, stop her from killing people Rin loved, people I love.

And suddenly she shoots, and Obito sacrifaces himself for Kakashi, ordering him not to die soon and give him and Rin some time.

I wonder if he knows that Sasori will not give him that needed time? I bet he doesn't. Obito starts disappearing in front of me, his body turning into ashes and I lie there, staring at him.

And then everyhting turns black.

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