New Students?!

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Planned and created by: @Cure_tomboy

Akane POV

"I heard there was new students today" Miyuki said. "Really? Thats not surprising" i said.


"Hello Students! Today we have 4 new students! Please come in!" she said. Before i knew it, the girls were fangirling. I looked forwards not caring. 'WUT?!' i thought. In front of us were four figures. "Im Wolfun" the first one said. The girls whispered things to eachother about how 'hes mine' and stuff.

"Im Akaoni" the red head said

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"Im Akaoni" the red head said. 'hes so cute!' most girls started. Me and the rest of the precures didnt care about them, as it was obvius it was Joker, Wolfrun, Akaoni, and Majorina. Well that goes with our luck...

"Im Majorina" it was now the boy's turn to fanboy

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"Im Majorina" it was now the boy's turn to fanboy.

"Im Joker" Joker was pretty much the same, but he had different clothes but his mask was still on

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"Im Joker" Joker was pretty much the same, but he had different clothes but his mask was still on. "Alright, may i say...." the teacher looked around. "Reika, Miyuki, Yayoi, Akane, Nao, do you mind giving them a tour of the school?" I looked at the others. They did the same. Miyuki nodded, Nao shooked her head 'No', Yayoi nodded, Reika nodded, i sighed and nodded.

"Of course" we all replied.
"Great, now please go" the teacher said. 'Now?!' we all thought. We stood up and walked towards the door. Were they were standing.

"Lets go" Miyuki said. We all followed.

"What the heck are you doing here" we told them at the same time. "We just wanted a education" Joker said "Why here out of all places?" Reika asked "We usually come here, so it shouldn't be a surprise" Wolfun said

"You look cute as a human!" Miyuki giggled and played
with Wolfruns hair. "Yeah, yeah whatever" he said

Reika POV :P

Awww, i ship it... "We already know these halls except for Joker, the reason you already know" Majorina said "Oh, right" i said.

Joker got beside me. "Its surprising that you are actually going to school" i giggled
"Yeah, we are bad end generals after all" Joker smiled "You know Joker... Ive always wanted to ask you this.."

"Whats that?" he asked me

"..... Why tha hell do you like to lick my hair?!" i asked him with a slight glare

"I tastes like blue berrys" he laughed. "Well do you have to do it during the fight?" i calmed down. "Yes, why?" he teased

"Ugh nevermind" i looked away

"Do me?" he asked,
i almost choked on air.

"Wha?!" i was confused "What do you mean?" i was blushing

"I mean do you like me? Like...i dont know,love?"

"I-i...kind of I guess.." he smiled

"Good, cause i like you" he smiled at me.

I smiled back blushing, he grabbed my hand and kissed it. "Im glad to know, beauty" i blushed even more. I didnt know​ what else to do. He kissed me,on the lips. My eyes widened but slowely closed as i kissed back. We stopped and kept on walking, not knowing were the others were now. "Miyuki! Akane! Nao!" "Wolfrun! Akaoni! Majorina!" we sighed.

"Reika! Joker!" i heard "Yayoi!" i started walking towards her voice. "Reika!" "Miyuki?" Miyuki ran over to me. "No running in the halls" i giggled.

"What were you and Joker doing hmm?" Miyuki teased. "No-Nothing.."

"Are you suuuure?"

"Yes" "Nope" "J-joker!"

"Whats so bad on telling Happy that we kissed?" he said. I buried my face in my hands in embarresment.

"ohhh~" I started getting teased. "Reika!" Nao and Akane ran towards all of us. 'Wonder what they were doing'

"Joker!" Wolfrun, Majorina, and Akaoni walked towards us.

~Time skip, after school~

Miyuki POV

"Finally! After school!"

"Not to mention tomorrows Friday!"

"Yay! Weekends!" Candy yelled

"What should we do tomorrow?" i asked

"How maybe we can..nope...i got nothing" Akane said.

"How about we spend it with you?" a voice said behind us

"Wolfrun? Akaoni? Majorina? Joker? Really?!"

"Yeah its not like we're going to hurt you" Wolfrun says smiling

their still in human form

"Well ok i guess" i said.


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