Lost and Found

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Reika was in the forest, she had no idea what was going on as she escaped from kidnappers.

"Whats wrong?" A voice asked

Reika was on the ground shaking as she had cuts and bruises on her.

"W-who are you?" she asked

The shadow kneeled down and reached his hand out for her to grab.

She hesitated and didnt take it.

"I'm Joker, remember?" he said

Reika remembered. She tried getting away, she couldn't transform.

"I won't hurt you, not in your condition" he said pointing out her injuries

"I can't trust you, your an enemy to all" she said


Her eyes widened

"Atleast tell me what happened to you, Beauty" he said

Her eyes watered "I-its nothing"

He got serious "Something happened"

She looked around, her pact was on the ground not to far from them.

She tried to get it, but something kept her. "W-well I uh...Got kidnapped and couldn't transform because I didn't have my pact" she said

He nodded and got up

She also got up and hugged him

"It'll be alright, you'll live" he said

She cried "and im lost, I dont know where I am" she said

"Your not lost if I found you" he said smiling

"But my friends dont know where I am" she said

"Come on" he said and took her hand

"Where are we going?" she asked

"Back" he said and carried her

She blushed as his cards surrounded them


"Reika!" Miyuki said and hugged her

"We were looking all over for you!" Nao said

Reika looked around "Joker...." she whispered

He was nowhere in sight

"Joker? What did he do to you?!" Akane asked

"N-nothing!" she blushed

Yayoi smiled "Im glad your ok"

"And what happened?" Candy asked pointing out her cuts and bruises.

"I got kidnapped, but im fine I swear" she said

"As long as you are, we were very worried!" Candy said

Yeah this one was bad

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2017 ⏰

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