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By bluedogs5 and Damcclub

Akane lied on the sofa and stared at the ceiling of her home. She sighed at closed her eyes, thinking about the person she liked - Nao Midorikawa. Why did she have to like her best friend...who was a girl? Akane was never really against homosexuality but she wouldn't fight for it. But now she was questioning her own sexuality.

"Akane! Your friends are here for your sleepover" Her Mom called her out. "Coming mom!" Akane came out to her four friends- or rather three friends and crush. 'Why did I have end up liking Nao...' Akane thought as she greeted them and getting tackled into a hug by Miyuki.

"Akane-chan~!" Miyuki giggled. Akane only hugged tighter and dug her head into the other girl's neck. Akane felt a soft hand on her back. She let go of Miyuki and turned to see Nao standing there.
"Akane." The green-eyed girl smiled. "You are so childish..."

"Nao!!"Akane punched her playfully on the shoulder and pouted a little, only earring giggles and smiles from the others. "Let's just start already!" She said after she ran over to her room with The rest of the girls behind her. "Your peppier then usual, Akane" Reika commented

"Mm? Is that so?" Akane stoped in her doorway and looked at her friends. "Probably because I'm with my bestest friends in the whole world!" She hesitated. She really didn't want to call Nao her 'best friend'. She wanted Nao to be so much more to her. 'I'm not I?'

'Why do I even love her... Maybe it's a different person, but then again my heart skips a beat whenever she's around me...' "Akane.... earth to Akane... Do you read me?" Nao asked as Akane snapped out of her thoughts. "Huh?" She looks up to see everyone's concerned expressions.

"Eh?" Akane scratched the back of her head. "Sorry...just spaced out for a second." She laughed at herself. They all walked in to Akane's room at they started setting their beds up. Nao sat next to Akane after she had finished.
Nao placed her hand on Akane's thigh and smiled. "I can't wait for tonight, Akane." She smiled. Akane looked at Nao's hand and her heart started to flutter with love. 'So I like a girl...that must mean I'm gay...'

'They way she talks, her voice is like music to my ears, her green hair and her  figure is just perfect..... but then she would get weirded out by me saying all that' Akane thought. "Hey! Why don't we play a game?" Yayoi asked the group. "Sounds fun but which game?" Akane asked

"Mmm...." Reika thought. "How about truth or dare?" She said as she sat down next to Yayoi and Miyuki. All the others agreed. Nao smiled and sat down next to her other friends. She patted a spot next to her.
"C'mon, Akane~!" She beckoned. 'Her smile...I love it and her beautiful green eyes..I could stare at them all day...' Akane thought.
Miyuki frowned. "Is Akane-chan ok? She's been acting strange..."

Akane snapped back into reality, "Huh?! Oh I'm Fine totally fine!" She waved her hands "truth or dare sounds good to me!" Akane tried to cover it up but the others weren't buying it. Nao raised an eye brow "Are you sure? You have been spacing out a lot lately"

"I'm fine!" Akane forced a laugh and waver her arms around. "D-definitely fine..." She stuttered. The room fell silent with all eyes on the red-head.
"Akane." Nao said. "Are you ok?"

"I-i told you I'm fine no more questions please? Let's just get on wih the game!" She looks downs at the ground. "Akane..." Yayoi started "I think she may need some time to herself hm?" Nao said still concern in her voice, "If you need to, lay down okay? We can wait for you"

"I-I'm fine, I told you already. I don't need anytime to myself!" Akane wiped a forming tear from her eye. "We can just go on with this game ok? I'm gonna be fine!" She dug her face into her hands and watched tears roll down her arm. She didn't care anymore. Her friends wouldn't accept her for who she was. Her friends would hate her. She couldn't hold it back anymore. Four girls rushed to their crying friend.
"Akane!" Reika cried. "What's wrong? Don't say nothing because I know there's something."

Miyuki hugged her crying red-head friend, "Akane please tell us... We're worried about you." Akane got up instead "Y-you guys would hate me for it..." She said quietly and she ran out of the room "W-wait!! Akane!" Akane ignored their pleads from behind her, it was better then them hating her but inside it still hurt her.

Akane ran out of her house and headed down the street. They were better off without her. Her head ached and her heart hurt but she kept running. She knew that her friends would definitely hate her. She had no doubts. "Akane!" She heard someone yell from behind her. "Akane, stop!"

Akane looked behind her, still running and saw Nao chasing after her not far behind her where the rest of the girls. Knowing that the Greenette could run faster then her but Akane ran as fast as she could, trying to make the others lose track of her. "Just leave me alone!" she yelled. Losing her breath, Akane went into an alleyway and hid.

Hiding in that dark, cold and a alone alleyway, the sad red-head put her sore head into her shacking hands and started crying into nothingness. No one would accept her. No one at all. She was all alone in this world. She mustn't accept that she was gay. This dark and unoccupied alleyway felt safe to her. Akane looked up at the starry sky and sighed. Why can't she just be normal? Why does she have to be like this?

That's when she heard footsteps near the alleyway, "Where did she go?" "Let's split up to find her girls!" Please don't notice me please don't notice me She looked up and saw a ladder, leading to steps, going to the top of the building. It was a risk of them hearing her but, it was better then nothing. She started to climb up to the stairway.

This is it. This way they won't know. They won't ever know! Akane thought, her tears drying. She reached the top of the building in under a minute. Sighing, she looked straight ahead and started walking to the edge. "I'm not normal." She said to herself. "Therefore, I am useless. No one needs me." She looked over the edge. She took a deep breath and place one foot over the edge. "The only way I can escape my body.."

Goodbye world... She stepped over the edge of the building, felt herself falling... And falling... but only to feel she stopped by someone grabbing on to her arm. "AKANE!!" It was Nao. She and she looked hurt judging by her face expression "What the heck do you think you are doing?! You could have killed you're self!" The Greenette was trying to pull up Akane but was having difficulties.

"LET ME GO!" Akane yelled, trying to make Nao let go of her hand. Nao kept pulling her up. "S-STOP!!"
Nao had tears in her eyes as she pulled Akane into her arms. "A-Akane..why...?" She whispered and dug her head into the red-haired girl's shoulder. "I c-can't stand to l-live without you..." Akane struggled in the stronger girl's embrace
"Do you really want to know why?" Akane yelled as she was finally set free. "Do you!?"

"O-of course I do... Akane you mean so much to me.." Nao stuttered with even more tears coming out of her eyes. "I-it's...." "Keep going..." "ITS CAUSE I LOVE YOU" Akane cried, "Y-you probably think I'm trash now... G-go ahead and say it.. My life is useless already..." She whispered I blew it didn't i?

Akane suddenly felt a warm sensation on her lips. She looked and saw a certain crying green-haired girl kissing her. Akane's eyes went wide and heat rushed to her cheeks. She's kissing me. She's kissing me. She's kissing me. Akane thought over and over again. One big kiss was followed by small pecks all over her face. "Why would you want to die over that?" Nao whispered.

"I'm sorry..." Akane said still sobbing. "I should give you my answer too huh?" Akane looked up at Nao confused, "I-I love you too Akane... Don't you ever forget that" Nao said softly looking into Akane's red eyes as the words echoed in her mind. Did she really say that she loved me?... I can't believe it.

"You're lying!" Akane cried and watched her tears splat to the ground. "Y-you are just saying t-that...I-I shouldn't be here....I DONT BELONG!"
"Akane." Nao whispered into the other girl's ear, holding her close. "You do belong. are my hero. You are everyone's' hero. You saved the world you know?" Nao kissed her neck. "I really do love you, A-Akane. I've always l-loved you.."

Akane resisted but she finally cracked, crying a river while throwing her self into Nao's comforting arms. "Thanks Nao..." She smiled weakly as she felt Nao's hand pat her on the back. I guess life isn't all that bad, even though you feel like no one is by your side, there is at least one ray or light that you can call for Akane thought and mine was everything I could ask for.

Nao nuzzled into Akane's neck and embraced her tighter. They have finally found what true happiness was. Sharing one last kiss, they stared into each other's eyes. "I love you."

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