Chapter 7

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Aelin rolled on to her side, every single one of her bones aching.

Reaching a hand across the bed-

Rowan wasn't there.

She glanced out the porthole window. The sun was shining so bright that it must have been sometime midday. Perhaps he was taking watch, scanning for any threats. Not that there should be any more threats just yet.

Aelin ran to the toilet and had a soak in the tub. The water turned a murky brown from the crusted blood on her body. She saw Rowan's clothes piled in the corner. She burnt them until they were ashes. She then did the same to her ruined clothes.

Climbing out the tub, dripping wet, Aelin realised she didn't know if they had brought her a spare set of clothes. She sent out a pulse of her power to Lysandra.

Within seconds someone was banging into the other room.

"Aelin," Aedion cried in the bedroom.

Aelin shrieked. "I called for Lysandra!" she shouted through the door. "Get out of here, Aedion."

There was another growl from the bedroom. Rowan. He no doubt didn't appreciate Aedion almost breaking down into the room when Aelin was naked. And shivering.

"Lsyandra! Clothes, I need clothes!"

There were a few stomps as Aedion left.

A harsh knock on the bathroom door made Aelin push harder on it in case they broke the lock. "Let me in, Fireheart," Rowan said through the door.

Aelin felt every scar she had and her shredded tattoo on her back. She normally wouldn't care but her body needed more protection now. Rowan couldn't see her like this. Not until she had sat down and spoken to him. "No," she told him.

"Why not?"

"Because...I-I'm naked."

Rowan growled. "You're killing me Aelin." When she didn't reply, "I've seen you naked before, Fireheart."

"Not...not like this," Aelin wrapped her arms around herself.

A soft, gentle knock came a second later. "Majesty, it's Lysandra. I have your clothes."

"Leave them outside the door, please," Aelin said still shivering.

She used her fae hearing to note when they had shut the door behind them. Aelin cracked the door open and peered round. They had respected her wishes. Aelin pulled the clothes into the bathroom and got dressed.

Aelin brushed her hair and then plaited it. She met her own turquoise eyes in the rusty mirror. It'll be ok. You're going to be Queen, you can do this.

She strapped on her belt and sheathed Goldryn, which had been left on the bed. Aelin took a deep breath and left the cabin.

Each step towards the deck made her feel more nauseous. She hid her scent from everyone but Rowan.

His green eyes slid to hers from across the deck. She headed to the railing and leant on it, looking out at the green-blue sea. Rowan leaned on it beside her. He was using his magic to blow their scents away from the rest of their court.

"How does it feel knowing you'll be crowned King of Terrasen?" Aelin asked before he could speak.

"If you had asked me centuries ago I would have killed you for that stupid speculation," he said, amusement flashing in his eyes. "I can live without being King, Aelin. I can't live without you." He gripped her scarred hand.

"They ruined your tattoo," Aelin told him, her fingers tightening. "You'll have to do it again when we're home."

Rowan shook his head. "Is that what was going on? I don't care about the tattoo. I've seen your body covered in blood and bruises and scars. It doesn't make you any less beautiful, Fireheart."

Aelin stared out are the waves. She let go of his hand. "That's not why. I didn't want you to see see that until I had told you. That's why I wouldn't let anyone see me, why I've been hiding my scent."

Rowan took her hand again and smiled. "Aelin, I know." Aelin gaped at him, then shut her mouth, studying him. Rowan stroked her face.

"What do I do, Rowan?" Aelin said facing him. "Do I tell my court?"

"Everything will work out, Fireheart."

"Let's just keep it between us for now," Aelin sighed.

Rowan nodded, then grinned. "I think we should make up for those fifteen minutes we had as husband and wife."

Aelin's own grin was wicked.

Rowan didn't care about the new scars on Aelin's body. She was right, though, about her tattoo - there was nothing left of it. They had made up for lost time - it was now early evening. Aelin had peeled herself away from him complaining she was starving. That was when Rowan realised she hadn't eaten for the two days she had been asleep. He ran his eyes over her naked body as she reached for her clothes. He shook his head. No. They'd have all the time in their immortal lives for more of that.

Just before she could put on her undergarments, Rowan stood to face her. He ran his hand down her arms and kissed her lips. Then he sunk to his knees in front of her.

"My Fireheart," he whispered. "I am so very blessed." He kissed her stomach.

"Get up, buzzard," Aelin said yanking on his arm. "We've had enough of that. We're all ok - except from starving."

Rowan chuckled, helping her get dressed.

"Will you stop fussing?" Aelin clicked her tongue.

"I thought you loved this territorial fae bullshit?" He raised an eyebrow.

"I can dress myself, Prince," Aelin frowned.

He flicked her nose. "I think you mean King - or husband - or mate."

"I am not Queen yet, husband," Aelin stuck out her tongue. He gripped it between his fingers just like had done in Mistward.

"This tongue will charm everyone into making you Queen, regardless of your bloodline."

She licked his hand. Then the amusement died in her face. "Do you think they will like me?"

Rowan shrugged. "Even if the don't at first, they will learn to love you."

"What do I do about Darrow?" Aelin asked, searching his eyes for answers.

Rowan broke her stare to get himself dressed. "We'll have to wait and see."

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