Chapter 15

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Hey guys! So I'm wont be updating tomorrow (sunday), why? Because its my birthday!! 20 years old! Im not ready to adult yet! :O Anyway here is my present to you-ho-hoo...

Her castle home in Orythn was exactly how she remembered it except... Had it always been that big?

Aelin felt tiny and tainted - not worthy of placing one foot on the sacred home of her childhood.

The others had already climbed out of the carriages. Rowan was offering her a hand down. As she placed her dainty silver slipper on to the stone hit her.

I'm home.

She had kept her promises. She had saved Terrasen - saved Erelia. She had found a court. Found her family.

Aelin smoothed down her dress and linked her arm through Rowan's. In a matter of days they would be King and Queen.

Already with an heir to the throne.

She didnt want to go to her room just yet. They were all starving from the journey and she wasn't ready.

"Majesty," a servant girl rushed out and bowed to her. "Shall I send your staff to collect your belongings?"

Aelin nodded and strangled out a "thank you". She was mulling over what the girl had said. 'Your staff.' Aelin had people working for her.

She missed Phillipa. "Dorian," Aelin said as they walked through the courtyard. "Does Phillipa..." Aelin shook her head. No. The woman probably had a family in Adarlan, so long as the witches hadn't killed everyone. Aelin scowled.

"She's alive, Aelin. Phillipa and her family." Dorian smiled at her. "Manon made sure."

At least not another person she treasured had gotten killed because of her actions. It made a change. And a welcomed one.

One of the guards announced their arrival in the dinning hall. The head of the table was empty for her, Aelin realised as she headed for the Lords and their wives.

The males eyed each other up, promising slow and painful deaths if they should so much as look at their mates in the wrong way. Aelin bit her tongue to stop her from laughing at their territorial nonsense.

The Lords were already smiling as she took her place at the head of the table. When she had been a little girl she had dined on the left side of her father. It felt strange and intimidating to sit where he once sat.

"Welcome home Aelin Galathynius," one Lord said and raised his glass. The others murmered their toasts. "I am Lord Edamond and this my wife, Lady Dahlia Edamound." They both tilted their heads in greeting.

His wife was a small but strong-looking woman. She was in a simple black gown and though lacking scars, she looked like she could wrestle some of the men in the room.

Aelin smiled at the woman.

Darrow grunted his greeting and Murtaugh bowed his head.

After their main course had finished, Aelin dug into her slice of chocolate cake. Chaol and Dorian smirked at her and when she made sure none of the Lords were watching she showed them her mouthful of the chocolatey goodness.

Rowan kicked her leg and she bit her lip to not let everyone else know what was going on.

Aelin tapped on glass and interrupted whatever exaggerated story Darrow was telling the other Lords. He frowned.

"I just wanted to say how it was such a pleasure to meet you all," a few more days and she could be less formal. "I would like to thank you for accepting me as your future Queen. I know that Terrasen's court will be as strong and as loving as it once was. I also can promise you that you will not have to worry for the future King or Queen." The Lords looked at each other. "As many of you may well know, it is difficult for those with Fae blood to produce offspring. However, my people needn't worry as my mate and I have managed to conceive Terrasen's heir." She flattened her dress to reveal her small bump.

The Lords just stared at the bump. Aelin sat back down and returned to her cake.

"I think that's wonderful," Lady Edamond clasped her hands in delight.

"No one asked your opinion," one of the Lords muttered.

"Actually, Wern, I agree with my wife," Lord Edamond snarled. Some of the other Lords grunted their agreement.

"Lord Wern," Aelin said. "I will not tolerate such aggression to a lovely lady. She hasn't been rude. I'd say shes rather positive and optimistic about the future, especially after what we all have been through." Talk like a queen. Talk like a Queen...

"Well, Majesty, I am positive that our future will be in jeporady with that thing you are cooking inside you," Darrow spat.

Rowan growled. She gripped his knee under the table. "If I could teach Aelin to master her powers unlike everyone else did when she was a child...then I can certainly have the patience to help my own child."

Aelin's grip tightened. "Rowan is right. We may not know what powers it will have - if it even will have powers. But I will not repeat my parents' mistakes. They taught me how to hide it - to be scared of it. When I mastered my fire, I learnt just how beautiful it could be."

Aelin laid a flower on each plate on the table. She made shapes and swirls of blue and gold flame.

The Lords looked at her power in awe. Maybe her child would be given the chance she was denied. And it too would be beautiful.

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