Chapter 11 (some unexpected news)

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Hey guys here is chapter 11
I hope you enjoy  please vote & comment if you enjoyed this part

*2 months later*
Nat P.O.V
It has been 2 weeks since I talked with my dad and everything's been going great Barry and I decided to move in together and my dad decided to move to central city to be closer to me.Thankfully a few days after we talked my dad broke off everything with Emily realizing that it would be disrespectful for my mom.Even if they did not have the best marriage I could tell that my dad really did love her and that her death impacted him deeply too So I want to be there for him and he wants to be there for me to make up for the past eight years. We are currently waiting for the doctor to come back with the see I've been feeling sick for the past. 2 months so my dad decided that I should go to the doctor.I tried to convince him that it was probably just a stomach bug but since he's so stubborn he forced me to go and I finally agreed knowing there was no way I would've won that battle.
"Mr Nathan queen?" The doctor said as he opened the test results.
"Yes?" I asked nervously
"Congratulations you are going to be a dad " he said and I had no reaction I just looked at my dad in shock.
"What how is this possible? I'm a guy " I finally spoke up .
"Well it seems that you are one of the few man that were born with both female and male reproductive organs" he explained .
"So how is the birth going to work then" I asked concerned
"We will have to to do a C-section" the doctor said
"How far along am I?" I said
"About 14 weeks" the doctor said
"If it's ok with you I would like to take a ultrasound to see if the baby is strong and healthy" he said.
" Yes that's fine " I said immediately . I can't believe there's a actual human being growing inside of me . Barry and I are going to be dads what is he going to say? How am I going to tell Barry?"I thought to myself
" go ahead lay down and lift your shirt for me Mr. Queen" the doctor said.
"Please call me Nate Mr Queen was my grandfather" I said with a smile as I laid down and lift my shirt up exposing my stomach .
"Ok this may feel a little cold" he said as he put some gel into my stomach which felt like ice packs were being placed there. But the feeling went away when I looked up the screen and saw a tiny peach size figure.
" That's your baby right there Nate"the doctor said.
"He/she is so small " I whispered to myself smiling and all the doubts I had went away immediately.Im ready for this even if I have to raise him or her by myself I will keep my baby. I said already falling in love with the little joy of life growing inside of me.
*15 minutes later*
Throughout the whole car ride so far my dad has not said one single word so I decided to break the awkward silence.
"Hey Dad?" I said
"Yeah Nate?" He said casually
" What do you think of all this" I asked nervously
" I'm happy For you and Barry Nate I and I'm happy I'm going to be a grandfather" he said smiling from ear to ear.
"Thank you dad" I said
"For what? "He said
"For being here with me right now" I said and he just looked into my sky like eyes and nodded returning the gesture.
When I got to the apartment me and Barry shared I saw a table set up and Barry on the kitchen cooking which surprised me since Barry never cooks.
"Honey I'm home " I said while walking to the kitchen and giving my boyfriend a kiss on the cheek.
"Hey babe welcome home" he said as he kissed me and served the food and water on the plates that were set up already.
*20 minutes later *(a/n because I'm too lazy I'm so sorry for all the time skips)
As we were sitting on the couch watching a movie I decided it's time to tell Barry.its now or never Nate if he loves you he will accept you and both of your baby.I thought to myself
"Hey Barr there's something I have to tell you it's about what the doctor told me today" I said nervously
"What is it babe? Your not sick are you?" He said concerned.
Ok here it goes I took a deep breath and....
Hey guys please don't kill me I know it ended in kind of a cliffhanger but I had to end it here because of the plot so I hope you enjoyed this chapter and please don't froget to vote and comment if you want it really means a lot to me and like always until next time my lovelies ❤️

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