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I wake to bright lights that sting my eyes as I try to open them. Eventually, I give up and keep my eyes closed. Where am I?  I try to open my eyes again, and I manage to pry them open just enough to look around for a second, and I quickly identify that I'm in a hospital bed. Suddenly, the events of last night come flooding back and I begin to panic a little. 

What is happening to my mom? What are they going to do to her? Is she going to jail? Court? What's going on?

"Ali? You're awake!" Emily practically jumps on me. I flinch a little and she seems to remember everything too, and the reason we're here in the first place and makes the effort to control herself a little more.

"Yep!" My voice is raspy from the lack of use. "What's going to happen to my mother?" I ask, cutting to the chase. 

"I'm not exactly sure as of yet," she says with a clue of regret in her voice. "But I talked it over with my mother, and she said you could stay with us for next little while." Though I am over the top excited, I feel a surge of guilt pump through my veins.

"I don't know if I can do that to you and your mother," I say, secretly hoping they'll insist that i'll be 'forced' to live with them. 

"My mother offered! I insist!" I sigh, half of relief and half of happiness as I smile to myself. She smiles at me as she reaches for my hand, sending me a silent note that read 'I'm here for you no matter what.' I then realize that as long as I have her in my life, nothing can go wrong. Even the worse thing. Yes, it will suck, but I'd have her at my side, and that would make things a ton easier.

"All right then! If you guys insist, I will stay with you for a while." She squeals to herself as she tightens her grip of my hand in excitement. I laugh at that and squeeze her hand back. With that, she leans forward and places her lips gently on mine

The kiss lasts for only a few seconds as I try to prolong it, but she pulls back with a giddy grin plastered on her face. 

"You won't regret it! I promise!" she says, practically jumping up and down with delight. Oh, and by the way, my mom told me to tell you that the doctor said that you've got a few broken ribs. You'll need lots of rest, and lots of pain medication."   I have no idea where that came from or why she all of a sudden thought of that.

"Thank you?" I frown and laugh at the same time, creating more of a snort than a laugh.

She pulls my hand up to her lips and gives it a soft kiss as she gives me a gentle smile that which I gladly return.


Emily's POV

Ali remained in the hospital for another two days, while I went to school as usual, of course, feeling naked without her. It was tough, but it was only two days compared to the year I spent feeling that way after Hanna left. When she was cleared to come home, I was ecstatic.

"You can stay in Emily's room," my mother says winking at me slightly. What? She's letting us sleep in the same room? Wow!

"Ms. Fields, I -" 

"Call me Pam!" My mother smiles widely at Ali, which she returns 

"All right, Pam, I can't thank you enough for inviting me to stay with you two. I promise to try to get a job to pay for my share here!" She speaks rapidly.

"Oh Alison you do not have to worry about that-"

"Pam, I insist" Ali says sweetly, cutting my mother off. 

"Ok... If you insist," My mother says hesitantly. 

"Thank you!" Ali says almost excitedly, as though she had found something to make her feel better about the situation.

"Oh no! I should be the one thanking-"

"Mom!" I roll my eyes and laugh. "I think she gets it!" She laughs a little at this and apologizes, and with that she takes off to the kitchen to start making dinner. I take Ali's hand and lead her up to my room to talk.

"I'm really sorry about your mother" I say as we sit on my bed.

"Don't be" she says, and to change the subject, she leans forward to kiss me. 

Her lips are gentle and soft, as though if she were to kiss me any harder I'd scurry out of her grip. So I take charge and start to kiss her harder as I climb onto her laps. She grabs onto my waist, pulling me closer and she responds to my harsh kissing with her tongue, swiping it over my bottom lip. I accept this time, and her hand creeps up the hem of my shirt and resting just under my breasts.

It feels like I just entered a volcano it's so hot. The fireflies return as soon as our lips touch, growing more intense as she deepens the kiss. As much as I want to, I can't let it get too far. 

She begins to pull my shirt up more, trying to get it over my head, but I pull back, breathing heavily.

"What's wrong?" She looks much like I do; breathing heavily and blushing deeply. The only difference is she looks hurt from rejection.

"My mother is just downstairs cooking-" I am a interrupted with a knock on my door. I quickly climb off Ali, sitting unsuspiciously next to her. "Come in!"The door opens and my mothers head peeks in.

"Dinner is ready girls! I hope you like grilled cheese!" She smiles excitedly. I roll my eyes and laugh a little to myself as I follow her-taking Ali's hand again-out the door and down the stairs to the kitchen. 

This is certainly going to be interesting! 


Sorry I didn't update yesterday, I was busy! I should be back on track for the next while! 

Anyway you know what to do! Thanks for reading!


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