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Emily's POV

That's it. It's been three months and Ali hasn't even come back once. I can no longer just just here and wait for her to come back to me. I have to take action. The police have given up looking for her altogether, and no one has called saying they've seen her. 

I write and leave a note for when my mother wakes, on the table, but lie and tell her I'm going to run some errands for her. There is no need to worry her further about me. I slip out the door and begin my search for my best friend. 

I increase my steady walking pace to a slow jog as I become more and more nervous about the decision I made, and my speed intensifies more when I remember why I am doing this; Ali is not okay; she is in trouble. I am now running at full pace, hot tears of anger streaming down my face at whoever did this to her; hurt her. I knew she was lying. Someone is doing this to her. 

I reach the forest with the kissing rock, and feel immediately that this is the place to be in the moment. I begin trekking through the woods, getting deep and deeper by the minute until a branch cracks; not under me...

"I knew you'd come looking for her, you brave hero." Her mothers voice croaks. Of course it was her. 

"Let her go!" I say firmly, putting on my brave mask, which fades after a minute as I realize I'd come unarmed. She laughs obnoxiously loud and turns around to start walking back towards where she came from. 

Hot, bubbling anger rises within me and I can no longer control myself. I throw myself into a sprint and jump on her. I know it is stupid, and that thought flashes in my mind before I do so, but I don't care. I'd rather die trying for Ali, than giving up and going home.

I manage to land I few good punches before she flips us over and begins trying to punch me. I block as many as I can while trying to throw her off of me so I can give her a piece of my mind. She get's me in the eye and and scream as I manage to throw her off with the remnants of strength I have. I stop to catch my breath a little, and as does she before we throw ourselves at each other. 

Surprisingly, I manage to get a clear kick to the gut. She grunts and doubles over in pain and I take the opportunity to knee her in the nose, making her scream in agony. 

I feel so brave in the moment. Like all my fears of people hurting me are gone, because I realize they can't hurt me anymore. I am stronger than they think, and there is nothing I should be worried about anymore. Of course, I'll feel afraid, but I know how to beat it now. I can fight the demons. 

With these thoughts, I pin her against a nearby tree and threaten her. "If you come near me or Alison again, I will kill you. I will come armed, and you will not like the result. I spit directly in her eye, and take off running further in the forest, and she doesn't follow me, which I am grateful for.

I hear screaming. It's a girl's voice, and it's coming from a small shack. Putting my brave mask on, sprint over to the screeching noises, and burst through the door, and to my horror find the worst thing I could have imagined: there is a man, and he is naked, as is Ali, but her hands are tied and she's got a look of pure fear on her face. 

Ali looks worn; beaten. She looks as though if she were to be punched or even touched one more time, she will collapse, cold as ice. Her left eye is swollen shut and purple, while her lips are cut in many places. Her right arm is bent in a way it shouldn't be and her left shoulder is definitely dislocated. 

The adrenaline kicks in again, and I throw myself at the naked man, hearing what sounds like my name come from Ali's mouth, but her mouth is flooded with her own blood, so it's hard to say if it was my name, or just a groan. 

I realize what I had done, and stumble backwards, tripping on something on the floor. It's a gun. My eyes widen and it registers in his brain that he'd left it there and that I'd seen it. We race to it but he beats me to it, and hold it up to my head.

"Eh-ma-leh!!" Ali screams, spitting blood on the floor, and I realize her nose is also broken. How is she not dead?

I instinctively, throw my hands above my head. "Move, and I shoot her, her says as he turns his gun towards Ali. The next thing I do is extremely stupid and risky, but I'd do anything for Ali. 

Without giving him time to process, I kick him as hard as I can in the shin and pull the gun from his grip and point it at him instead. With the gun in hand, I walk over to the now collapsed Ali, keeping it pointed at him as I begin to untie Ali. 

"This is going to hurt," I say, and without giving her time to comprehend, I shove her left shoulder into place. I then turn around close my eyes and shoot the man in the leg, drop the gun, drape Ali's arm around my shoulders, and drag her out, as she grunt in pain every two minutes. We manage to make it back to my house quickly enough, and I get her in my car, where she passes out immediately from exhaustion.

I turn the engine on, and speed as fast as I can to the hospital.


So turns out my plans were all messed up and I was given the wrong dates. Anyway, there may be a day this week where I don't write. I dunno when that will be. 

Anyway, you know what to do! Thanks for reading!


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