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I wake the next morning with a familiar warmth next to me. I slowly wriggle myself out of Ali's embrace trying not to wake her but failing miserably as she begins to stir. She opens her eyes and smiles at the sight of me. 

"Can we stay here a little longer?" Ali whines as she pulls me back into a spooning position. The offer is tempting but we've got to get to school. It's Friday. Just one more day before we get a break. Maybe I could take her somewhere special to get her mind off things. As in an actual date! 

"Nope! We've got school today!" I exclaim, feeling suddenly full of energy for what's to come. She groans as I drag her out of bed and force her to get ready.

"Hungry?" my mother says, flipping a pancake as I come downstairs giving Ali some privacy to get changed.

"Mom, have I ever told you how much I love you?" I say as my stomach gives a loud growl. She smiles widely and places two pancakes and two bacon strips on each dish as Ali comes downstairs to join us.

"Bon Appétit!"


The school day felt like an entire school year. I didn't pay much attention as I was too busy planning on where to take her tonight and how to ask her! 

Now, we're finally walking home after the year long day and it feels like the perfect time to ask her out.

"Ali, I-I've been waiting all day to ask you this..." I manage, only stuttering once, which is better than I thought. "W-will-uh-you go on a d-date with m-me?" I cringe in anticipation for her answer and in embarrassment at all the times I stuttered. 

"Of course, silly! You don't have to look like you're waiting for something to hit you!" She giggles and I blush at my stupid actions. She takes my hand. "So where to? And does your mother know?"

"Yeah I texted her at lunch, and it's a surprise." I reply with a bit of a smirk.

Alison's POV

We walk for the next little while in silence, both of us too lost in our own thoughts of anticipation to really be fully engaged in a conversation. She pulls me into a forest trail, much like I did the first time we met. 

"Here we are!" she states nervously. I know exactly where we are. She took me to the kissing rock. 

"Em!" I exclaim, feeling overwhelmed with happiness. She sits down on the rock and smiles smugly, sending me a silent message to sit down next to her, and I do. She immediately cups my chin and my heart rate begins to pick up as she draws her lips nearer. I hold my breath in expectancy as I close my eyes and begin to lean in as well. 

Just as our lips touch, we start to hear whistles and cat calls. I pull away to see a group of boys with beer bottles in their hands. My first instinct is to get up, grab Emily and run. The boys call after us saying things like "Hit me up next time" and "Hot." Ignore it Ali. Ignore it.

Once we're out of the forest, we slow our pace into a steady walk, panting slightly. I looked to my right at Emily, and she had a sad look on her face, as though she was blaming herself. 

"Em..." I take her hand in mine, rubbing my thumb in circles over the back of her hand. "It wasn't your fault! Boys will be boys. I still have fun during the minute that it lasted." With that, I plant a kiss on her cheek, earning a half smile, which satisfies me.

Once we reach her house, we enter to see her mother on the phone with someone, mumbling things like "Yes",  "I understand", and "I'll let her know." I stop Emily from pulling me to my room, somehow just knowing she was talking about me by the look on her face and the fact she's got to tell "her" something.She hangs the the phone up with an audible 'beep' and looks in my direction. I knew it.

"Ali, I've got sort of good news, and very bad news." I brace myself for whats to come. Expecting her to say I can't stay with them anymore and that I've got to go live with my brother Jason, who's living in Canada at the moment. "Let's start with the bad news." she says as if telling me this is the worst things she's ever had to do. "So your mother was automatically sent to because they had all the proof they needed to declare her guilty, but someone bailed her out today. So she is loose." This is much worse than what I imagined. I stand there, unable to think of anything to say, so I allow her to continue. "Good news now." she says looking a little relieved to be able to tell me something somewhat good. "You are to stay here, and your mother cannot come anywhere near you." This makes me feel only a little better, as I know my mother will stop at nothing to get what she wants. 

Nothing but a weird noise sounding like "Ump" comes out of my mouth as I break down into tears, for the second time in week, feeling actually afraid for my life. Soft warm arms snake around my body pulling my head against their body. Emily's mother watches as her daughter comforts me with obvious pity in her eyes.

Emily takes my hand to help me up, gives her mother a small nod as if to say "I've got her, no need to worry," and pulls me closer to her with her arm around my waist. I sob harder in protest but she either doesn't catch on her has some sort of plan for me. She pulls me to her room, sits me on her bed and pulls me into snug hug as I cry into her shirt, soaking it right through.


Thank you diamondforever1 for voting on chapter 1 and SulasShull for voting on all my chapters and commenting! It means a lot! :D

Anyway, you know what to do! Thanks for reading!


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