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Alison's POV

After three weeks, the paperwork for me staying with the Fields is done, and her mother is now fully responsible for me. I was finally able to leave the hospital after 2 weeks, my arm is still immobilized in a cast, but my ankle and ribs healed fine, and the cast isn't so bad. We both went back to school after the two weeks. Her mother allowed both of us to miss for a while as we were both beaten up and needed time to process what happened and we were definitely both extremely shaken up from the intense event. 

It feels good to go back to school after all this time. I used to hate school, but I have never been so grateful for it in my life. I could have been dead if it weren't for Emily right now. Every time I think of that, I want to burst into tears of relief and happiness, but I don't, as I'd probably look ridiculous, and I've done enough balling during the past three weeks and probably longer.

It's the start of my second week back at school, and Emily and I don't have our first class together, which sucks, but I go with it and head to my locker to gather my things for science, (if we had this class together, we'd totally have great chemistry).

The class flies by in a breeze, as I'm happy to be there in the first place. I hope this feeling never goes away, for it makes school much more enjoyable to be at. The bell rings and we are forced to head to our second class, which I once again, don't have with Emily sadly. I rush to my locker to grab my things for math and head over to the class.

Math is probably my favourite subject. I'm the top of my class in it, and I always have been. I can do just about anything in my sleep, even problem solve, which is my least favourite thing to do. Emily isn't as into math as I am, and struggles a little, so I tutor her, which helps me learn even more.

This class passes by even faster as it's my favourite, and I speed to my locker to put my things away, so that I can meet Emily where she told me to meet her earlier today. As I'm passing the locker rooms, I am shoved hard into the girls by an unknown person and I am brought back to three weeks ago. I squeeze eyes shut, and begin thrashing around. There's a hand over my mouth before I can scream for help. I begin breathing fast and hard, my heart rate picks up and flashbacks of past events flood my mind. My throat practically closes off and it's hard to breathe. I open my eyes to see who the person is and to my surprise, it's Ben. He forces my pants off, and I know what's happening. He pins me against a locker and kisses me breathless. I close my eyes in disgust and try to push him off of me, but he's much stronger than I am. 

He shoves in slimy tongue in my mouth, and I groan in disgust as he tastes like a filthy wet dog, and it makes me want to puke. At this my adrenaline kicks in, and I knee him between the legs. He grunt in my mouth and pulls away abruptly and I take the opportunity to push him as hard as I can. I slips my pants on as fast as I can, and bolt as fast as I can. 

People here, most likely think I'm crazy or mentally unstable after what happened. They don't know the full story, they only know what the rumour has been; I was kidnapped, which is true, but they don't know exactly what happened obviously. Now that I'm running through the halls, many stop to watch, others point and chuckle a little, but I don't care. I just need to get out of here. Pam did tell me that if I was having a rough day, that I could come home if I needed to. So I do.

Emily's POV

I was really looking forward to meeting Ali for recess. And when she didn't show up, I decided to investigate. I was walking past the locker rooms, when I started to hear noises. I peeked in the girls locker room and saw Ali with no pants on, making out with Ben. It felt as though I'd been stabbed in the heart. I looked away quickly, breathing hard. I rush outside somewhere to be alone. I focus on keeping the tears in my eyes, trying to tell myself it was all some misunderstanding, and that wasn't Ali, but she looked totally into it, her eyes closed and everything. She skipped meeting me to make out with Ben. That's sick. After I saved her life and everything. How could she do this to me! Steaming, I go to the office and decide to take the day off as my mother did tell us we could if we needed to.  

I take a deep breath before turning the key and starting the engine up, so that I don't crash my car into a tree out of anger or something crazy of the sort. As I'm driving, I notice a familiar figure on the side walk alone. Ali looks to be crying or something. Why is she crying? I bet she wanted to do this to me. This was her goal all along... Keep driving Emily... Keep driving... You can do it... Come on... She's probably meeting Ben somewhere... Come on... Don't fall for it, Emily... Come on...

I can't take it anymore. I slam on the breaks, feeling more frustrated with myself than ever, and turn into someone driveway, backing out into the opposite direction so that I can drive the opposite way, and rush toward the girl who ditched me to make out with my only other friend. 


I was busy yesterday all day! I only got back around midnight and I was exhausted. I'm going to try and wrap this book up pretty soon. I dunno maybe like... 20 or 25 chapters? I think I can do that.

Anyway, you know what to do! Thanks for reading!


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