Fifteen ~

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Aria's pov

          After almost a week of somehow not spending more than five minutes each on the internet, me and Dan finally decided to see if everything had died down. We realized that people had started worrying after the live show that night so the morning after all of that happened I posted a tweet saying I was alright and I would explain at a later date. The comments on that tweet were what I was most interested by so I decided to read through a lot of them.
"Everybody's saying they're glad you're okay." Dan said looking down at me. I was lying on his lap holding my phone above my face. I flashed him a smile and kept reading through what people were commenting.
"Wish you died, you ugly skank." I laughed.
"Hey, don't read those ones." Dan said pushing my hair out of my face.
"It's okay, I find it funny." I said. "This kid is literally eight years old." He laughed slightly and smiled at me. I leaned up for a second and kissed him before falling back to his lap.
"I'm really gunna miss you." I sighed. He looked at me concerned. "When I go back to visit my mom next week." I said quickly assuring him of what I meant.
"Oh right I though you meant... never mind." He said. "But you'll only be gone for a week and I'm sure your mom would love to see you."
"Yeah, she's been talking about it since I moved." I laughed. He chuckled slightly and I sat up from his lap to face him.
"Hey, how have you been feeling?" I asked almost forgetting about him being sick.
"I'm alright." He replied. "Tired, but alright."
Dan had told me that the doctor had stopped his chemo treatment but he refused to talk about much else. He just kept telling me he was fine but he obviously wasn't. He had lost a lot of weight in the previous few weeks. Mostly because he was never hungry or just too tired to eat anything. I could tell he was dying in front of me and there was nothing I could do but watch.
"Are you sure?" I asked. "I mean this in the nicest way possible but you kind of look like shit."
"Thanks." He laughed. "But really, Ari you don't have to worry."
"Okay.." I said hesitantly. "But if your head starts to hurt or anything-"
"I'll tell you if anythings wrong." He said slightly laughing. "How's your hand?" He asked looking down at my bandaged fist. He lifted it up in his and looked at it.
"Almost fully healed." I replied looking down as he ran his thumb across my knuckles.
"Good." He whispered before kissing the back of my hand gently. There was a moment of silence before he spoke again. "I should probably head back... across the hall."
I laughed slightly and agreed. He hadn't been home in a few days so it would be good for him and Phil to have a couple of days on their own. He kissed my nose before standing up and walking downstairs. I sighed and sat back on the couch listening to the quiet sound of my own breathing. I couldn't help but smile as I thought about how well things were going with Dan.

   Dan's pov

       When I went back to Phil and I's apartment that night I went straight to bed without even speaking to Phil who was sitting on the couch. Not because I didn't want to, more because I barely even noticed he was there.
I had been going to sleep a lot earlier lately as I was almost always tired. But I guess in a way it was good that my sleep schedule wasn't as awful as usual. When I got to my room, I replied to a few tweets before I shut my phone off and drifted off.
I didn't talk to Aria much for the next few days other than a few cute text message conversations. I hung out with Phil a lot though, and we even filmed a couple of videos for the gaming channel. After a few hours of video games and filming my head started to hurt so Phil made me stop and lie down. Why did he have to be such a good friend?
I actually forgot that Aria was heading back to America until she came over the day before she had to leave. She walked in and sat down next to me on the couch.
"Hey." I said smiling at her.
"Hey." She smiled back. I caught myself glancing over her arms and legs subconsciously. She noticed and lifted up my chin.
"I'm fine." She assured me still smiling. I nodded and kissed her, smiling deeply. I had almost forgotten how wonderful her lips felt against mine.
"I'm leaving tomorrow." She said quietly.
"What?" I asked. "It's Friday already?"
"Apparently." She laughed.
"Well then," I started. "You're sleeping over." She smirked at me and glanced over at Phil.
"If you stay at my place we can be as loud as we want." She whispered seductively into my ear. I felt my entire body shiver as I smirked back at her.
"I'm sleeping over." I corrected myself. She laughed and kissed my cheek before standing up. She walked over to Phil and gave him a hug.
"I'm gunna be leaving early in the morning so I want a chance to say bye." She told him. He had a mouth full of cereal and had to swallow before replying. He hugged Ari back.
"I'll see you in a week." He smiled slightly laughing. Aria nodded and ran back over to me, grabbing my arm and pulling me out of the apartment.

     Aria's pov

        Dan and I spent the day cuddling and watching Tv... along with other things.

      When I finally looked at the clock after hours of video games I realized it was 11:30 pm.
"I have an early flight." I told him. "I should probably go to bed."
"I'll come with you." He smiled. He stood up and picked up the bowl from the coffee table that was previously full of popcorn, before going into the kitchen and washing it. He came back and put his arm around me as we walked upstairs to my bedroom.

    "I'm gunna miss you." He whispered as we were both about to fall asleep.
"I'm gunna miss you too." I said quietly before drifting off, feeling Dan's hand run up and down my back.

Please Be Okay  // Dan HowellWhere stories live. Discover now