A Suprize Visitor

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-Marcel POV-

I was just sitting down, chillin', on the couch,when suddenly i got a text. It was scotty.

soulmate XD

-YO marcel, WASSUP!!

not much,just-
chillin' on the

-watcha wearing ;)


-how much?

Does it matter?-

- just wanted to know...

Know what?!-

-If I were to come over,
Would the amount

WTF, no. It would-
Actually probably
Raise going off the
way you asked

-no one would

No one would-
know cause 
nothing is going 
to happen.

-Oh, somethings
Going  to





A few minutes after scotty stopped texting me the door opened. I hid under the pillows and blankets i was laying under while I was chillin'.

"MARCEL, IM HOME!" I hear scotty's voice, i didnt move, I just laid silently under the blanket hoping he wouldnt see me. But of course, he did.

"FOUND YOU! Man you suck at hide and seek." Scotty said sarcasticly as he sat on me.

"Scotty get off of me!"

"Nope!" Scotty said pulling the blanket off my face. He was... Smiling.

"Hey marcel!"

" What the hell are you doing at my house!"

"I was lonely and bored. So i decided to come visit you."

"The only thing you manage to do was nearly give me a heart attack!"

"Yeah, but now im not lonely, or bored"

" Can you at least get off of me?!"

"Ugh, fine!"

"Thank you. Well, while youre here... What do you want to do?"

"Wait, I can stay? I did the same thing to craig and tyler and both of them made me leave."

" Did you also text them like you did me?"

He just stared at me, his eyes full of knowing and nervousness,

" ugh... Ugh... Y-y-yay I... I... I can stay.. He he... it was a j-j-joke? Yeah. Joke thats what it was... A joke." He smiled nervously.

"Ok.. So, uh, what ... G-g-game d-do you want to play first, then?" I stuttered still a bit scared over the text, and him bursting in unexpectantly through the door.

" How about..." He paused, then lit up with the biggest smirk, "how about Mario kart"

Shit! He knows how much I hate Mario kart, you know, the falling off the map a million times, and getting so mad you could put a pan of water on your head to boil it.

BasicallyIdo407- just "Hanging Out"Where stories live. Discover now