Welcome To Hell

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As the doom slayer ran through the boiling pit of the demented, tortured, and suffering. The burning ocean beneath him ready at any moment to swallow him a whole but he came prepared and ready for combat.

The Doom Slayer fought and killed many of demon with none even a challenge. It was as if he was the demon and they the human. He ripped and tore through them all with his chainsaw in hand and a super shotgun on his back. He has returned and this time he was finishing what arc systems started, because today hell was going to freeze over.

Running across the burning baron waist land were a barrage of Imps and behind them were three Barons Of Hell and and beside them stood 1 Mancubus and all having one common goal. KILL THE DOOM SLAYER.

The imps charged the doom slayer but he put away the chainsaw and cracked his knuckles and began to rip and tear an imp's chest open. The blood was like a sprinkler tearing away as he widened the gap in the imps chest until the imp was all out of blood and stopped moving completely and died. Following afterwards three Imps jumped and attacked all at once clawing and scratching the doom slayer armor and barely piercing his helmet.
But no matter, the doom slayer grabbed one of the imps and punched it directly in the face sending it flying while elbowing another imp into the ground then he grabbed the third imp by the throat and squeezed until he heard the snap of its pencil neck.

He continued on with the first imp punching it to death with devastating left and right hooks. until the head of the imp was no longer a head but just another stain of blood on the ground. He stood up from the bloody mess of the third imp, he began a walk toward the second imp in which was already coughing out its blood kneeling on the ground until the doom slayer put his foot on top of the back of the it's head and stomped it to the ground over and over again killing the parasite.

He turned back to came face to face with a demons fist punching him a meter away by a baron of hell, there were three Barons Of Hell around him and if one of them attacks the others follow. The second baron of hell charged toward the doom slayer taking the punch while on the ground until he kicked it off him and rolled to a standing position, not giving the baron a time to make its peace as the doom slayer went on and began giving several amounts of jabs and hooks to the barons face. Until he graced at its horn and broke it off and as he ripped off it's horn it cried pure agony as the sins of its actions were finally taking there toll. the doom slayer laid the horn towards the barons neck slitting it's throat and putting it out of it's misery.

And following afterwards was the first baron which punched doom guy in the first place. He was about to throw another punch until the doom slayer pulled out the combat shotgun and he fired away, blasting its insides to bits and pieces, blood pouring down from it's body until it's blood ran dry. The Doom Slayer turned around to find himself face to face with the Mancubus and the last baron of hell right beside it as the demon roared and the Mancubus took its aim at the doom slayer.

The Mancubus took it's shot lighting up the entire area not giving the Doom Slayer the opportunity to escape. But the Doom Slayer would not take this lying down as he took out his heavy assualt rifle and lit up the Mancubus rapidly firing away, penetrating through it's body. But it still wasn't enough as the Mancubus pushed forward as it charged up for another blast but the Doom Slayer was faster as he activated the rocket launcher attachment to his heavy assault rifle. and in the matter of seconds he lit up the Mancubus in a fury of flames and shrapnel.

As the Mancubus died the last Baron of hell arose in the Doom Slayer's attention. The demon charged at him full speed jumping high and coming downward smashing both it's fist at the Doom Slayer. But the Doom Slayer evaded last minute pulling out the super shotgun swinging the barrel in the face of the Baron of hell and blowing it's head off. The Doom Slayer watched as the Baron of hells corpse fell to the ground in a puddle of it's own blood. The Doom Slayer was searching for more, begging for more demons to show up, vengeance was so close, he could feel it, he was going to kill them all, they would pay for what they done, they would suffer for what they took from him, they will all die by his hands if it was the last thing he did.

But hell had different plans for the doom slayer as the spider mastermind appeared from the shadows of the inferno stalking the doom slayer crawling among the flames and through the perks of darkness where no mortal can see, but the doom slayer was no ordinary mortal as he pulled out his combat shotgun and fired but was to late as he was pushed through a red portal which sent him into a black abyss and it spoke with deep chilling quite voice "you have slayed many of demon and for it you well perish we well see if you survive the wrath of evil in the diminsion in which fear rules all. Till we meet again HELL WALKER and trust me it will be soon" "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA."

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