The Burning World

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In about a day atlas had fallen, in a week Mistral would suffer the same fate and Vacuo soon after. The deal had been struck and the world was there's for the taking, day after day more came from the other side, there army had risen to numbers beyond remnants own but remnant would not allow this without retaliation as the dark thoughts of remnants people took form of there greatest threat.

The Grimm had risen to take action against this threat and they stood together to defend there mother as the battle between remnant and hell began. The portal to hell is expanding and once it reaches it's full width the world well be swallowed by the blazing inferno.


7 years ago, 7 years ago was remnants first introduction to hell as beacon fell at the hands of the Grimm but the unexpected happened the sky's turned crimson as the heavens were set to flame and taking shape in the clouds was a pentagram that brought hell with it, fire and brimstone rained upon beacon as hope was lost, many lives were taken that day but a man arose from the fire as he destroyed the Grimm. He brutalized them, he tore them limb from limb, he killed them saving beacon from complete destruction. After that day the people thought it wouldn't happen again they believed that it couldn't be any worse than what took place before, they we're wrong.

The sky turned red like before as the pentagram burned through the heavens once again leaving nothing but Carnage from it's wake as fire and brimstone had showered upon beacon and with it came hell as pinkies charged from building to building causing them to collapse and Mancubus flooded the streets with fire as they lit up any who happened to be in area but that was not all as many hell razors blocked people in groups as they shot them down spraying themselves with the blood of the weak. Summoners speed through beacon battling huntresses and huntsmen as imps cut into the fights attacking from behind claiming many victems.

Revenants crashed landed at beacon academy attacking and killing any who dare crossed them. This was war but unlike last time they are ready to fight as students took action fighting back against the demons teams RWBY, JNPR, CFVY, CRDL, and STQR took actions as they combated the summoners and revenants while also dealing with the imps using what they have been taught.

Hell knights came from every direction bursting through walls and buildings alike to be the first to give the Hell Walker death but as always the Doom Slayer knew no such thing as mercy as he stood on top of a Mancubus corps with his chain gun in hand as he laid waste to any demon with enough blood and guts to paint all of beacon.

The chain gun pounded in his hands over and over again as he kept his finger on the trigger looking on at the increasing bodies of demon trying to climb there way to him as he mutalated them one by one as the bullets drilled through there skulls piercing into there brains and tearing right through there throats as the the bullets traveled down to there hearts, lungs, stomachs, lower intestines,  reaching to there solar plexes exiting through there hip entering there next victum and as all of it was happening the Doom Slayer looked on as his visor reflected the Carnage of his doing, this was redemption.

The world was burning, the people were dieing and ozpin looked on in horror as if he had woken from a night terror 4 weeks ago winter crash landed at beacon academy bruised, beaten, and dumbfounded she was taken under immediate medical care but before she was detained she asked for him and when he arrived she would tell him of the events that had taken place she told him about the demons about the fall of atlas and the hopelessness of combat against them but each time she spoke she would raise her voice louder and louder until the point that she would become over excited that her blood pressure would rise extraordinarily but at that point ozpin would put her to sleep immediatly by pressing a pressure point in her neck.

During the time he had he was preparing for this attack but day by day people were dieing and by the time ozpin knew it kingdoms were falling like flies how could any one prepare for this how could anyone combat such viciousness the world was burning and at the moment he was in the middle of a battle to decide remnants survival.

Back at the academy JNPR are in a losing battle with Mancubus. Pherra fought with precision and excellence  as she fired her elephant gun hitting pevetal parts of the Mancubus but that was not all as Nora came from behind planting her hammer into the back of the demon while Ren slide by cutting at the stomach while jaune aimed high thrusting his blade into the demons skull killing the Mancubus.

Pulling out his blade in victory team JNPR stood tall until jaune felt a stab in his back and void in his stomach he looked down to see a demons hand  crushing his insides as his blood poored out like a river that had been damned he had dropped his sword as he vomited up his blood and than his body was thrown through a wall as his neck twisted back killing him instantly upon impact Jaune Arc is dead as a hell knights stood victorious and pherra could only look on as her eyes widened and her body collapsed as pinkies rammed right though her body ending her life as she had just watched her beloved .

Her leader had been killed her friend had been killed Nora was crying but she was angry as she ran toward the pinky smashing her hammer over and over and over again until the demon was no more than a splat on the ground with tears in her eyes and rage in her heart she turned to rain to find him being torn apart by imps as they tore the skin off his back to slashing his spine to pieces than tearing out his spleen as they began to feast upon Rin eating his stomach to golging out his eyes and ripping his head from his shoulders his screams we're loud until his head was removed Rin is dead.

Nora dropped her hammer as she sank to her knees as tears rained down her face she had lost her team and now she was going to join them.

Until she heard the firing of a chain going off tearing the imps to nothing but red flesh and the pinkies to broken bone and mush but that was not all as she heard the roar of a chainsaw as she saw the hell knights that killed her run to her but from behind jumped a man in green armor swinging his chainsaw impaling the demon that killed her leader.

Nora can only cry as she had been denied the chance to join her team she didn't want to live in a world without them.

She didn't want to live in a BURNING WORLD.

to be continued.


Sorry for the delay I needed some time away from this fic as I was running out of ideas and I was needing a different pace and setting so ended up creating a Skyrim Naruto crossover and than I also got caught up reading some fanfiction my self and by the time I knew it my spring break was over either way hope you enjoyed like, favorite, and as always see you next chapter.

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