Welcome to Hell II

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Running through abandoned building's busting doors down and pulling pins and dropping grenades as the Cyber demon charged right through the buildings taking the explosions head on not giving a damn about the shrapnel piercing through it's face but Doom guy was prepared as he jumped out the building pulling out his rocket launcher and when the Cyber Demon revealed itself he lit that bitch up as he launched 12 rocket heading directly for it's face.

Fire and shrapnel clouded the demons face creating and dark cloud as Doom guy fell to the ground landing on rubbel taking the full impact of his landing cracking and snaps could be heard from his body but that didn't matter to him he needed to be ready for what was coming next as the Cyber demon slammed his hand into the ground and pulled the ground up which created two walls blocking off Doom guy from Ally ways.

Doom guy responded by taking out the chain gun and fired away bullets tearing, crushing, and embedding into the demon body but the Cyber demon charged up it's laser cannon and blasted at the Doom Slayer vaporizing the ground he was standing as Doom guy evaded last minute opening up the dual turret attachment firing more bullets faster and stronger spreading from the Cyber demons chest to it's arms to its legs all the way back up to it's head blinding the demon.

The Cyber demon having enough of the Doom Slayer charged at him running him through with it's horns but what the Cyber demon saw as victory was what the Doom Slayer saw as an advantage as he pulled out his chainsaw and rived it up and all at once he brought the chainsaw down shredding the Cyber demons neck ripping and tearing it's skin, muscle, tissue and bone. Decapitating the Cyber demons head.

The demons body rose without it's head, the blood splurting out like a fountain but the demon was still going look for the Doom Slayer but Doom guy had other plans as he ripped the Cyber demons head from his body removing the horns and throwing them aside. And in one swift motion he pulled out the BFG and fired hitting the Cyber demon causing it's body to implode on itself. Doom guy had won and the area rained with the blood of the Cyber demon but he was not focused on his victory right now, right now he was focused on the sky and all he could see was hell.

The contract is almost complete 10 minutes left and all of Remnant will be in hell. During this time ozpin watched forcing everyone inside the academy. ozpin stood alone as hell swallowed his home "why" was all ozpin can say as his body was impaled by a giant spider leg "A deal is a deal, and the time has come to collect" said the Spider Demon Mastermind and in one motion he split ozpin in half as he bleed to death.


Blood was splattered all over the walls of the area as dozens upon dozens of white fang soldiers laid dead on the ground but upon the bodies only 3 we're different amongst them. Mecury, Emerald, and Roman torchwick there bodies had been ripped limb from limb.

Mercury had been torn inside out by an imp who climbed into his mouth and began tearing his body apart his heart crushed, his stomach ripped piece by piece his chest ripped and eaten and lastly the imp escaped by tearing through his back breaking his spine completely. Emerald had been torchered screaming until she died the imps clawed her body puncturing through her and ripping pieces out she screamed and cried until she couldn't breath anymore she had sufficated to death.

Roman tried to run but he couldn't escape from the imps as they had jumped on him digging there claws into his body and seeking there teeth into him eating him bite after bite Roman could not carry on any more as the pain was too much for him. He fell to the ground and from there the imps ripped his body piece by piece eating his limbs devouring his intestines Roman torchwick had been eaten alive.

Deep in the area stood Cinder and Neo as they fought off the imps one by one cutting them down they had the upper hand but out of know where charged a pack of 4 pinkies running head on at the girls but the girls easily avoided them cinder landed fin but neo came face to face with a demon fist which launched her into a wall a hell knight has arrived cinder reacted by throwing fire balls at the demon but foolish girl was not prepared for a inhabitant of hell Itself as she soon was punched directly into a wall.

Neo saw cinder get knocked around like a ragdoll and was about to assist her until she tried to get back up, her legs had been crushed and pain was coming to her all at once, she was about to scream in agony until a pinkie rammed her body through biting into her as another pinkie came and bit her head chewing on her skull finishing neo off.

Cinder's arms had been crushed her legs had been broken and the hell knights was not satisfied yet as the demon picked up her body over it's head and began to tear her open splitting her in two. The hell knight bathed in her blood drinking it dry. Salem watched the very scene before her as blood poored from her eyes "you have heard what I want, now keep your part of the bargain" said Salem as her body was becoming cold "as you wish" and in an instant the Spider Demon Mastermind had eaten Salem a whole.


Doom guy watched as the world burned, he has once again returned to finish what he has started with his combat shotgun in his right hand and his heavy assault rifle in his left hand he stared upon as meteors rain down upon remnant with one headed right for him.



Ark end

To be continued.

Okay, okay I know that it is way too soon for a new update but at this moment this ark has ended and next update will begin the final ark to this story It's been a long time coming to this and I can't wait, expect updates weekely or daily depends when you get your notification. Besides all that like, favorite, and as always see you guys next chapter.

Next ark: Meaning of Existence

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