I love him

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I finish packing my bag of clothes and some necessities. I leave food for Milo on his tray and kiss his head before I walk to my living room and grab my camera. I make sure to not leave anything Milo can chew on or eat. Last night he tore apart my favourite pyjama shorts. Was I mad? Duh. But then he stared at me and my heart melted and I forgave him.

"Please behave yourself kid" I say and play with him for a while before Grayson gets here.

I'm excited to spend the weekend with him and his friends. From what I've heard Bryant is a nice guy and he's absolutely talented. And I'm also happy that Ethan is finally taking a girl. I just hope she's a good person and doesn't end up hurting him. My inner fan girl still protects Ethan and will slap a bitch if he ever gets hurt. Will I ever say that to Ethan or Grayson....probably not because that would just be embarrassing.

My phone buzzes and I smile when I see Grayson saying he's here. I kiss Milo one more time before I leave the tv on and walk out of my apartment. I lock the door and make my way down the stairs. The elevator takes too long.

I exit the building and see Ethan's car. I walk up to it and smile when Grayson gets off of the drivers seat and opens the door for me.

"Thank you" I say and kiss him. He kisses me back and lets me get in before he shuts the door.

I look to my right and see a very beautiful girl with black hair and green eyes. She awkwardly smiles at me and taps her foot.

"This is Melissa" Ethan says as he looks at her. I smile at her.

"Hey I'm Sophia" she smiles at me.

"Nice too meet you!" She says. She says a accent that sounds familiar to a British one.

Grayson drives off and me and Melissa start talking. She tells me that she models as well and that she loves art.

"Where are you from?" I ask her, wondering why she has an accent.

"Oh I'm from New Zealand" I nod my head and chuckle.

"I have a friend that's from there as well" I'm talking about Kj.

Through out the two hour drive we stop at a gas station and grab some snacks. We listen to music on the car, turns out Melissa also loves Harry Styles & Bruno Mars. We take some pictures and play some dumb never have I ever games which lead to me finding out that Grayson once stole on of my socks because he forgot to wear some.


I feel someone tapping my shoulder making me groan.

"Babe we're here" I hear Grayson's voice. I slowly open my eyes and see him staring at me with a smirk. I smile and sit up.

"Thanks for waking me up" I mumble. He chuckles and helps me get off. I grab my bag and shut the door.

"Are you mad?" He asks

"No, I love you" I say.

I look up and see a light grey two story house. I look around and realise this is a private street and area.

We get inside the house and I hear people laughing. We walk into the kitchen and I see who I'm guessing is Bryant and his girlfriend.

 We walk into the kitchen and I see who I'm guessing is Bryant and his girlfriend

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"Hi you're Sophia right?" Bryant asks.

"I am" I laugh. We hug each other and then I meet his girlfriend Emma.

"It's going to sound weird but I'm actually a fan of you" my cheeks turn pink and I shake my head.

"Not at all, but thank you" I say.

"We're going to go put our things in our room" Grayson says.

Our room.

We leave and I stare at him as we walk up the stairs. He clears his throat and opens the last door on the hallway. I step inside and see a king size bed with white sheets and blue decorative pillows. There's a white dresses on the left side of the room and a huge window taller then me on the right.

"Our room?" I ask as I place my things on the bed. I sit down and loo up at him.

"Yes our room" he sits next to me and sighs. He takes his shoes off and rubs his tired eyes.

It's currently 10:34pm.

"You're tired?" I ask

"I am, me and Ethan filmed our video for next week and I'm just exhausted" he mumbles. He stands up and goes to his bag. He takes out a tooth brush and some sweatpants.

He walks into the bathroom that's inside our room. I think we have the masters bedroom.

I sigh and put on some shorts and a t-shirt. I got my hair into two French braids and I grab my toothbrush and toothpaste. I walk inside the bathroom and stand next to him. I brush my teeth and stare at myself.

"Did you know that you're beautiful?" I glance at him and feel my stomach do flips hearing him saying that.

"Yeah" I mumble as I brush my teeth. I rinse my mouth and dry my lips.

We walk out of the bathroom and undo the bed together. I swear I feel like we're married and we got home from a busy day at work.

I lay on bed and face my body towards him.

"Why aren't you going to go get dinner with them?" He asks me as he stares into my eyes. I stare back at him.

"I want to be with you" he smiles and pulls me in closer to him. He wraps his arms around my body and rests his chin on top of my head.

We stay in silence and I can feel him still being awake.

"Are you awake?" He whispers. I don't say anything and pretend like I'm asleep.

"I don't have the balls to say this to you when you're awake, but I seriously can't wait to be with you in the future. I know we're young and we don't know what the future holds for us, but one thing I do know and hope is that you'll be with me. That we'll grow up and be there each other through our mistakes in life. I want to marry you one day and be able to call you mine forever. I want to tell the world how we've been loving each other since we were teens. I want to be 30 and say that we got through every bump in our road. I want to make sure you're always happy and proud of me. I don't ever want to break your heart again or even hurt you. I love you so much that I won't risk it anymore. I know I will have my moments like anyone does, but I promise I will work hard to better myself for you, because I don't want to loose you. You mean so much to me Sophia, you don't have an idea. I think you're the most beautiful, talented, funny and patient girl in the world. I love how even though I've clearly fucked up you still give me a chance. I'm sorry I've put you through a lot. I love you and I hope you never forget that"

There's tears rolling down my eyes by the time he finishes speaking.

I want to say you're welcome to every single word he just said to me.

I smile and rest my head on his chest and hold him tight.

I don't ever want to loose him either.


Honestly who ever ends up dating Grayson or marrying him is the luckiest human being in the world. I would give up my world to be that person.

Wow okay I'm emotionally not okay right now😭

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