Chapter 1 - FINALLY GOING!!!

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"Come on Bonnie I want to get there early!" Kylie screamed very excited. She's excited because we finally get to go to one of the bøys concerts! I know right, we are 26 and 27 and we haven't been to one of their concerts yet. But who cares!! We are now! I got dressed super fast put my hair up in a high ponytail and we drove to the concert while blasting "Heavydirtysoul" and "Ruby". Kylie and I were so happy that the day has come and we were all prepared! When we got there we both quickly ran to the entrance shaking the security guards our tickets and they let us in, thank god they didn't take forever because there were two seats up at the front near the small stage and we fast walked over there so we wouldn't trip or fall on someone. We got the two seats before anyone could take them and we started to post pictures in Instagram and Snapchat, although I only posted 1 picture because I wanted to save the rest for after the concert to post. After awhile the concert started and I couldn't believe Kylie's and i's eyes....we got to hold the drums for them!!!!! Kylie was so happy and my head was hurting from thinking too much about how Kylie and I won't stop talking about this later, haha.

During the middle of the performance I saw Josh Dun look over at Kylie and I and start smiling wide. I wanted to tell Kylie right there right now but it was way too loud too hear anything, and I wouldn't want her to miss the performance for the first time. After they weren't so loud I finally told Kylie. "Oh my god Kylie!!! Josh dun kept looking over at us and smiling!!" I said with a smile and a red face from how hot it was. Kylie looked at me and told me, "Ya, uh huh. Suuuure THE Joshua Dun looked at us and smiled." Then rolled her eyes. I wanted to kinda laugh but I didn't. "No I'm serious!" I kept trying to tell her but she didn't believe me at ALL. "Whatever you say Bonnie..." at that moment I wanted to say "BUT THEY DID I SWEAR ON BABY JESUS!!" But that would be really weird...and awkward for everyone else. So I just kept that weird comment to myself hoping I would never say that in my mind again. After the concert and most people had already left, Kylie and I were about to leave when Josh Dun stopped in front of us and asked, "Hey uh could you stay me pack up my drums?" To be honest he sounded like he just wanted us to stay longer. I mean, he never had a problem with his drums before. Kylie looked over at me and we both smiled and said we would.

After helping him with his drums I noticed Kylie and him talking and laughing I couldn't help but giggle because it looked like they were flirting with each other. I thought it was super cute and I was so curious! I really wanted to know what they were talking about! I mean it's Josh Dun, he's super hot, nice, funny, he has a great personality, and he's as cute as a wittle puppy. Or you know, a cat if you like cats. Or a goldfish, or maybe a weasel. I like weaselz....their so cute <333 Next thing I know Tyler called Josh that they were about to leave and I noticed he gave Kylie his phone and it looked like she was giving him her phone number. AAAAHHHHHHHH I was feeling out! MY SISTER HAS JOSH DUN'S PHONE NUMBER!! I ran up to Kylie and asked what happened, "ok so...we kinda flirted..." I saw her face light up like Rudolph's nose it was so funny. "And we talked about music and then he asked if he could have my number. So I said yes, he could." "Awwww Kylie! That soooo cuuute! He definitely likes you!" Kylie looked up and looked at me like I was stupid, I'm not stupid. (HAHAHAHA IF ANYONE GETS THAT I WILL LOVE YOU FOREVER) "Um Bonnie. He's famous and I'm a nobody, there's no way that he would like ME." I smirked at her and told her, "oh really? He wouldn't just give a 'nobody' his phone number." She started to blush and smile a bit. "Um....WELL WE SHOULD GO." I laughed at that moment while walking out of the pit with Kylie. When we got to our house she made pasta for dinner and she had some water while I added some wine to my glass. She looked at me and I looked back at her squinting my eyes telling her that I could have wine if I wanted. And she laughed at me and I just started to laugh with her because I was so wierd. After we had dinner I went to my room and posted some pictures of Kylie and I in the pit. I started to fall fast asleep after all the posts were done loading. Next thing I know I was sleeping like a kitten.

Ok so, how was this for the first chapter? I would love to get feedback from you guys! Oh and don't forget to follow Kylie on Wattpad! ;)

Kylie's Wattpad acc- dunwithjxseph

My Instagram account-

Ok so I know this was VERY short but it's late and I'm super tired. I'm sorry for that and well I hope y'all have a great night! <3

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