Stay With Me || 20

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Me and Justin haven't spoken to each other since the other night. I knew my name not being Kennedy would get out to him sooner or later, I was hoping later because I wanted to be the one telling him at the Cabin along with everything else.

That night he told me not to say anything else until the weekend came, and now the weekend was here. I was leaving Zora with Jordan until Sunday, me and Justin needed this weekend to settle things and hopefully he still feels the same about us staying here like he said.

It was gonna be a long night telling him the past few years of my life. Everything started when I met Austin at fifteen up until now and probably more to come. It honestly scared me telling someone my story when I've been terrified too.


I snap from my thoughts and look at Jordan who sat across from me, "Sorry, I was thinking."


"Everything.." I tell her, "Justin is so pissed at me, it's not like I wasn't gonna tell him my name wasn't Kennedy. I was going too when I told him everything else."

"Thea, we thought changing your name would be a safe move, you shouldn't beat yourself over it." She replies, "Once Justin understands why you did what you did, he'll get over it."


"He will." She nods, "You know he will."

Justin clearing his throat cut off our conversation, I looked to my right and seen him standing there with his suitcase. "Car is waiting out front."

I simply nod and look at Zora who was sitting beside me, "Zora, sweetheart. I want you to be good for Jordan alright? Stay in her sight at all times. Do you understand me?"

She nods.

"Good.." I lean down, kissing her head softly. "I love you so much."

"I love you too mommy."

"I'll see you Sunday." I tell Jordan before standing up, "Call me every morning and nigh-"

"Thea, go." She chuckles, "We'll be fine. I promise."

"Hey Jordan." Justin catches her attention, once he does he tosses something to her. "Those are the keys to the house and the cars. Just in case. Please be careful with my babies out there."

The entire plane ride was silent, Justin sat away from me. I can't believe he was pushing me out like this, he doesn't understand why I had so many IDs so he shouldn't be mad. It was pissing me off.

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