Stay With Me || 34

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Thea laid still on he mental table. Her wrists, legs and body still strapped down. Dry blood still on her skin from the works of Austin. Darkness was the only thing she was seeing, he left her hours ago. She knew she was going to die, but she continued to hold on because she knew Justin or Jordon would find her. She trusted them with her life.

It's been a week since she's been stuck in this place, Austin brought her down here everyday, punishing her for running from him.

The trace of the text message was a dead end, Austin thought of everything this time around but that didn't stop anyone from looking for her. He had been looking for his driver, just as the text message said but it was no use.
Justin hasn't seen him. Scooter was on that though, he was doing everything he could to find Justin's driver because just maybe, if they did they would find Thea.

Justin knew if she was alive people would ask questions Thea wasn't prepared to answer. She would have to, she's in to deep now. Everyone knows she was taken. There would be questions why, by whom and what she been through. Thea needs to be prepared for those type of questions maybe even be prepared to tell her full story.

The door to the basement opened, Thea closed her eyes when the light flashed on. Austin, who walked away with a smirk on his face glanced over at Thea.
"Still refusing to come with me?" Austin asked her.

"Go to hell." Thea bluntly replied.

"You can stop this pain, Thea." Austin smoothed, "All you have to do is agree."

"What's to say I agree then I run again huh?" Thea spat.

"I would just find you again." He replies, "We'll always end back here no matter how many times you try and change yourself, except if you run this time, I'll start with killing Jordan, then Justin, leaving you last then I'll take Zora with me." Austin threatened, "So, Thea you have two options here, you can give in, come with me or you can continue to come down here everyday. Your choice."

Thea could barely keep her eyes open, she was losing blood fast. Too fast. If she didn't give him and get help soon, she'd die.

But, not yet. Thea wasn't giving up just yet, she knew Justin or Jordan one would end up finding her.
"Go to hell." She says to him once again.

Austin proceeded with his punishments, filling the room with screaming, yelling and crying all coming from Thea while back at Justin's house he sat on the couch, waiting for Scooter to call him about his driver.

As soon as the phone rang, justin answered. "Yeah?"

"Let me tell you, this guys phone was not easy to track." Scooter says, "But Kevin found him."

Kevin was a good friend of Scooters, he hacks phone, computers and laptops. He had to pay Kevin to skip his duties and work on tracking Justin's drivers number.

"So what did you find, where is he?" Justin asked, getting inpatient.

"He's in NewYork." Kevin's voice says, "Pick me up in an hour and we'll go."

Justin didn't wait another second before he was going upstairs, knocking on Jordan's door. She soon opened,
"We found him, hes in NewYork."

"Get Fredo over here so he can watch Zora, we'll go." She nods.

Justin walked back downstairs, he dialed Fredo number and asked him to watch Zora for a bit, he agreed and said he would be over shortly.

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