Stay With Me || 41

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1 week later

"The bouncy house will be were at noon." I tell Jordan as she followed me in the kitchen. "Justin should be here soon--he's taking me to pick up the cake."

"Thea, slow down I can't keep up." Jordan tells me. "There's so much to be done."

"I want this birthday to be perfect." I replied, grabbing the list off the fridge. "Shit--the ponies should be here-"

Her eyes widened, "You got ponies too?"

I shrugged, "Justin ordered them for the kids to ride."

"How many people are even coming?" She asked.

"Me, you, Justin, his parents and siblings, My parents, Ryan, Chaz, Fredo.." I pause, thinking. "Angelina, Nicole, Robin, and some kids she met at school plus there parents."

"What time is everyone supposed to be here?" She questioned grabbing a water from the fridge.

"I said exactly two." I comment, "So-"

I was cut off by the front door opening and closing. A small smile formed on my face knowing that Justin was home.
I walked past Jordan and met Justin half way, he immediately smiles and I throw my arms around him.
"I missed you so much." He says, wrapping his arms around my back.

I pull away from the hug and press my lips to his, he didn't hesitate before kissing back. "I missed you too." My hands cup both sides of his face.

We both pull away when we hear footsteps coming downstairs, "Justin!!" I step aside just as Zora jumped into Justin's arms. "Hey princess. Happy birthday."

"Thank you." She smiles, "What did you get me?"

"What did I get you?" Justin teased, "I think I left it back in Florida."

Zora pouts, "Aw no! You better go back and get it."

"Im kidding--but you'll have to wait and see." Justin kisses her cheek and begins to tickle her.

"I hate to break this up Justin--but we have to go get the cake." I uttered, "Like now."

"You heard your mom kiddo." Justin says, putting Zora back on her feet. "Funs over."

"The fun isn't over." I softly laugh, "Don't listen to Bieber--you'll have all kinds of fun when your party starts."

"Cmon ladybug." Jordan joins the conversation, "Lets get your birthday outfit on."

We said our goodbyes before me and Justin headed off to the store. "How was your concert last night?"

"Good--I didn't get back to the hotel until after 3." He states, "Other then that it was good, I met some fans outside."

"That's good." I nod, looking out the window. "Where's your next concert at?"

"Tomorrow-California." He declared, "I have Monday off, Tuesday is another in California and then Charlotte."

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