Prologue 1

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Yanna's POV.

Conversation with Ashley (Y: Yannah; A: Ashley)

A: Oh my God, Beshie. You really change a lot. You're more richer, more popular, slimmer, beautifuler, and you're a business woman now. I'm so proud of you!
Y: Yeah, I've been far enough.
A: Far enough to move on?
Y: Ash!
A: I'm just asking but is it true?
Y: I still don't know, he's part of my life and no matter what move on I'm doing I will not forget him anymore. But you know what? The past can still be just a memory.
A: I'm sorry.
Y: You don't have to, it's okey.
A: Okey, how about we just go shopping! I really miss shopping with you because we're always busy and all.
Y: Yeah, great idea! Excuse me for a moment, I'll just call my secretary to cancel all my meetings.
A: Sure.

Phone conversation with Allie (secretary)
Allie: Yes Ma'am? What can I do for you?
Me: Will you please cancel all my meetings? Ashley and I are going to go for a shopping.
Allie: Okay Ma'am.
Me: Thank you.
Allie: Is that all Ma'am?
Me: Uhm, I would like you to come too, are you busy?
Allie: Uhm, yes Ma'am I'm fixing the files that you gave me a while ago.
Me: I want you to do that tomorrow. I'll fetch you at the main gate of the building.
Allie: Are you serious Ma'am? Well it's so kind of you.
Me: Yes, okey so I'll see you later. Bye.
Allie: Thank you so much Ma'am, see you too, bye.

End of phone conversation.

Y: So, let's go?
A: Yeah, bring it on sister.
Y: I invited my secretary because I want you to meet her. She has been so good and loyal to me.
A: Really? Im excited to meet her.

We fetch Allie and went to the biggest mall I know. I want us three to have fun this day.

Allie & Ashley: Wow!

I saw their faces so amazed. Their smiles are contagious.

Yannah: Guys, let's eat first.
A & A: Okey.

We sat down where we found our place and talked.

Ashley: I'm so happy to meet you, Allie.

Allie: Me too, Ms. Ashley.

Ashley: Oh! Don't call me that, just call me Ashley, okay?

Allie: Okey, Ashley.

Yannah: Also today don't call me Ma'am okey?

Allie: Yes, Ma'am. I mean Yannah.

After we eat, we made the real reason why we we're here, we enjoyed the place. We went shopping, we went to the salon, manicure, we colored our hair and did a lot of girl things.

I looked at my face in the mirror and my face was slightly different. A little different than my face before, the face that is always sad, tired, and full of tears. I looked at the two. They are so happy. They even jump with joy. How about me, when will I be happy?

Ashley: Yannah!
Yannah: Yes, what is it?!
Ashley: Hay! I called you so many times but you didn't notice me.
Yannah: I'm so sorry. What we're you saying?
Allie: Are you okay, Yannah? It looks like somethings bothering you.
Yannah: No I'm fine. I'm just suprised with my face because I slightly look different.
Ashley: You sure, Beshie?
Yannah: Yes.
Ashley: I was asking you if I look great.
Yannah: Ofcourse.
Allie: Guys, how about we take a picture of us?
Ashley & Yannah: Okay.

Allie take out her phone and we took a picture. Then I took a picture of my self.

Ashley: Let's go to the comfort room.
Allie: Yeah, I also need to go there.
Yannah: Okay, you guys go ahead. I'll just wait for you two here.

I sat on a couch in front of the comfort room. I look at my picture and I compared this to my previous picture. I really change a lot.

 I really change a lot

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Ashley: Yannah.
Yannah: You're here. Let's go?
Ashley: Oh goodness, good thing you notice me from now on because if you didn't..
Allie: Guys let's buy Ice cream!

Ash didn't finish what she is saying because Allie shouted with excitement.

Yannah: I really think we really need that. Also for you to calm down Ash. Haha.
Ashley: haha.

She said sarcasricly.

Allie is so cute. She looks like a little girl eating ice cream. She is so excited that she didn't notice that she has ice cream all over her face. Ashley hand her a napkin to wioe her face. She laugh a little.

Allie: I'm so sorry. Hehe.
Yannah: Why are you so excited to eat ice cream? Just asking.
Allie: Hehe, nothing. I just miss this food and it really makes me relax.
Yannah: Oh okay.

Ashley: So after this what are we gonna do?

I looked at my risk watch to see what time is it to know if we still have enough time to watch a movie.

Yannah: Let's watch movies!
A & A: YAY!!

After everything. I brought them to their houses.

Then I went home. I go straight away to my room, change my clothes and I slept.

Tomorrow is another day.

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