Chapter 10: Stormy Seas

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Peacebringer yawned; they had stopped for the night on an island and she had volunteered to help Cobra with the watch.

"Tired?" Cobra asked, staring out at the ocean.

"A little." Peacebringer answered. She looked at Cobra. I can't believe he's an animus, I wonder how much of his soul is left? She thought.

"My soul is perfectly fine." Cobra said, sighing. "My necklace is enchanted to keep my soul safe."

Peacebringer looked over and saw that he was wearing a necklace with a chunk of obsidian in it.

There was a moment of silence.

"You know," Cobra began. "I could give you mind reading and future sight."

Peacebringer made a face. "Why would you offer that?" she asked.

Cobra shrugged. "I thought you felt left out since the some of the other NightWings in Jade Mountain had them," he replied.

"Not really," Peacebringer began. "My father once had both powers, but he said it was like a burden to him. He's alright without them, I also don't want to be remembered as a dragon who eavesdrops on everything."

"So now you attack me after I saved your life twice? I feel so hurt," Cobra joked faking a hurt expression.

Peacebringer giggled, she looked back out to sea. "It would be cool though, thanks for the offer," Peacebringer said. She watched the sun rise as the sky turned into fiery orange.

"We should get going now," Cobra said. "I'm just hoping my father can understand me for doing this."

"Why did you want to go to Furusato anyway?" Peacebringer asked.

"Shadow-Wings were helping Tinjus, with his plan, so I wanted to ask the Shadow-Wing queen directly if she knew about this," Cobra replied.

"Couldn't you just ask my father to ask the council?" Peacebringer questioned.

Cobra shook his head. "No we can't, the queen's won't be honest with each other, and besides, he's on the on the other side of the world," he said. "You should go wake up Current and Cyclone."

Peacebringer nodded and went over to her sleeping clawmates. She shook Cyclone's arm gently trying to wake her up.

Cyclone just mumbled, turning in her sleep.

I guess I'll just have to do it the easy way, Peacebringer thought. She quickly grabbed a banana tree leaf and used it to scoop up seawater. She then tossed the contents to her StormWing friend, who jerked up yelling.

"WHAT IN WHAT WHAT?" Cyclone started yelling as she stumbled.

Peacebringer laughed, she also heard Cobra smother a laugh too.

"Ha ha, real funny," Cyclone said annoyed. "Don't do that ever again."


Peacebringer looked out across the ocean and sighed; she strangely loved being on a boat instead of flying over the ocean.

She was turning around to go talk to Cobra when a WarHawk yelled "Skull Ship dead ahead!"

"Just great," Cobra said.

SwiftStrike (the other HybridWing) started running around, Peacebringer slipped over to Cobra and asked "What's a Skull Ship?"

"Skull Ships are HybridWings who scavenge and attack boats, hoping to get treasure or anything valuable." Cobra said disgustedly. "And it looks like we'll have to fight this one off. Junbi ga dekite iru hi!" he yelled to the boat.

Peacebringer looked over the side of the ship and saw multiple cannons appear in the side of the ship. "Steer us towards her!" Cobra yelled as they turned towards the other ship.

"Why are they called Skull Ships?" Peacebringer asked Cobra.

"Because instead of an intricate designs at their bow," he said, indicating the front of the ship. "Their bows are decorated with the skulls of every captain whose ship they've looted."

Before Peacebringer could ask Cobra any more questions, the two ships were right alongside each other. "OPEN FIRE!" Cobra yelled, and every cannon on the side facing the Skull Ship fired, blasting multiple holes in the side of the Skull ship.

Five cannons appeared in the side of the Skull Ship and fired. Before the projectiles could hit their ship, Cobra thrust out one talon and yelled "Skölir nosu fra haina!"

All the projectiles suddenly veered off course, landing in the ocean instead of hitting the ship. Peacebringer turned to Cobra, astonished, but before she could ask him what he had done, he was holding the side of his head and he collapsed on the deck.

Peacebringer heard thumping sounds, then the clash of metal on metal. Peacebringer whirled around to find that several huge HybridWings had jumped onto their ship and were fighting with SwiftStrike and WarHawk. One of them, the biggest, broke off from the fighting and ran towards her, his sword swinging in a deadly arc towards her neck.

Peacebringer knew it was futile, but she grabbed at her sword, trying to unsheath it quick enough to block the enemy's sword. She closed her eyes as the blade got closer.

A loud clang startled her into opening her eyes, and she saw that Cobra was standing once more and had blocked the other dragons sword. Cobra slashed at the other dragons neck, then slashed at his arm, gradually backing him up to the edge of the ship.

With a twist of his sword, Cobra knocked the other dragons sword into the ocean, then punched them in the head, knocking them both unconscious and off the edge.

As the rest of the Skull Ship crew were dispatched in similar ways, Cobra grabbed something out of a box, lit a string attached to it, then threw it onto the Skull Ship, before yelling "UGOKI HAJIMETE!"

The ship moved forward, and had barely gotten away from the Skull Ship before it blew up, flaming debris falling down all around them.

Cyclone and Current came out of the captain's quarters. "What happened? We were attacked by HybridWings?"

Peacebringer ignored her friends and ran towards Cobra, who was massaging the side of his head.
"What happened to you?" she asked, half yelling. "Why did you collapse?"

"We can cast very accurate spells with our own language." Cobra explained. "It doesn't hurt our soul, but if we expend too much of our energy, we can weaken or pass out, or worse..." he trailed off, and Peacebringer said "Or worse what?"

"We can die." Cobra said flatly. "That's why I like fighting with a sword. Most HybridWings either use spears or their magic, but not me. It's much easier to sword fight then it is to know what is to strenuous of a spell. It's learned by some of the HybridWings."

"Well, promise me you won't do it again." Peacebringer said sternly.

"I saved our lives," Cobra said, then noticed the worried look on Peacebringer's face. "Fine. I won't use my HybridWing magic unless it is absolutely necessary or to save our lives."

"Thank you." Peacebringer said, and was about to say something else when Cobra sat bolt upright and stared out behind her.

"What is it?" Peacebringer asked, turning around to see if they were in danger. The only thing she saw, however, was an island off in the distance.

"If I'm not mistaken," Cobra began. "Which I'm sure I'm not, that's the island of Furusato. Everybody get ready to get off the ship. And remember, we don't know who is or isn't working for The Eclipse, so we go by this rule; trust nobody other than yourself and the rest of the group."

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