Chapter 16: Fall of Kings

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Cobra's POV

The roaring of dragons could be heard from a mile away. HybridWings against HybridWings, clashing with each other.

Peacebringer had to put her necklace in her bag because of the noise she was hearing. Cobra couldn't control his mind reading either, it was quite literally war inside his head.

He actually wished that he could have a necklace like Peacebringer, something to take off then powers are gone, just like that.

Glancing around, he pointed towards a spot a ways away from the clashing dragons, where two dragons were circling each other.

"That's my father and Tinjus!" he yelled to Peacebringer. She followed his claw to where he was pointing and shouted back "We should go help him."

Cobra nodded and flew towards his father. As they approached, King Sandstorm swung his sword in a flat arc at Tinjus' neck. Tinjus raised Lightbringer and blocked Sandstorms stroke, knocking the blade to one side.

He landed behind a boulder near where the two were fighting and crept forward, just hearing Tinjus yell "It's my throne Sandstorm! You were never meant to have it!"

"Our father chose me to be king, not you!" Sandstorm roared loudly. "He knew which of us would lead the tribe along the right path."

Cobra peered around the edge of the boulder just in time to see Tinjus smashing Sandstorms sword out of his talons. The long broadsword flew through the air and landed with a clanging sound next to the boulder.

"I am the eldest! I deserve to be king!" Tinjus screamed, before pointing the blade of Lightbringer at Sandstorm and yelling "Garjzla Jierda!"

The blade of Lightbringer started to glow white and Cobra spun around and dove at Peacebringer, knocking her to the ground and covering them with his wings just as the air around them turned pure white and a wave of heat swept over them.

When the heat had faded and he was sure they could see again. Cobra got off of Peacebringer. "Sorry," he muttered apologetically. He crept back to the edge of the boulder and peered around it just as he heard a thump.

As his eyes adjusted, he saw the crown of the HybridWing king rolling across the ground, stopping almost at Tinjus' talons. He looked at where his father had been standing and saw him lying on the ground, unmoving. "Long live the king," Tinjus said coldy.

Tinjus reached down to pick up the crown and something inside Cobra snapped. With a vicious roar, he ran out from behind the boulder, grabbing his father's sword and swinging it at Tinjus.

Tinjus glanced up and deflected the stroke with a flick if his wrist. He slammed the pommel into Cobra's head, knocking him to the ground.

"Nephew, you never learn, do you?" Tinjus hissed. "Looks like you'll die as well, all alone, right beside your father."

Tinjus brought Lightbringer up, but before he could bring it down a sword flew through the air and sunk into his left calf.

Tinjus roared in pain and Cobra felt someone helping him to his feet. Looking to his right, he found Peacebringer standing beside him, glaring defiantly at Tinjus.

"Here," Cobra said, unsheathing his sword and handing it to her. She nodded to him and swung the sword in a circular arc.

Tinjus pulled the sword out of his leg and the wound started healing instantly. "You will both die here!" he screamed, his eyes blazing with anger.

A whistling sound split the air as Tinjus took a step forward and an arrow sunk into the ground in front of him. Tinjus growled and grabbed Peacebringer's short sword off the ground and threw it into the sky. There was a clanging sound, followed by a loud thud as a dragon fell out of the sky and landed behind Tinjus. A second later, a heavy longbow, split in half, landed next to the dragon.

Cobra growled deep in his throat, reaching for his magic. Glancing over at Peacebringer, he said "Think you can keep him busy?"

"Yeah, I can," she said, bringing her sword to a ready position. "What do you have planned?"

Without answering, Cobra ran over to a dead guard, grabbing the longbow off the ground beside him and grabbing an arrow from the quiver. As he ran towards the boulder, he heard Peacebringer and Tinjus's sword clash against each other.

He jumped onto the boulder and put the arrow on the string, drawing it back all the way. At that moment, Tinjus kicked Peacebringer in the chest, knocking her down and causing her to drop her sword.

As Tinjus moved forward, Cobra aimed and fired, the arrow flying through the air with deadly accuracy and hitting Tinjus in the arm.

As Tinjus dropped Lightbringer, Peacebringer scrambled up and grabbed it, running over to join Cobra. "Now what?" she asked as she reached him.

"We have to kill Tinjus, if we do that, they may decide to stop fighting," he answered.

"Can we use this?" Peacebringer asked, holding Lightbringer out to him. As he grabbed the handle, a flare of golden light ran along the blade and a voice said in his head The prophecy you seek to fulfill was known by me a long time ago. I gave my life enchanting this blade, and in doing so imbued it with my soul. I am the reason the sword is called Lightbringer. It's one purpose is to help you, Cobra, and you, Peacebringer, fulfill the prophecy. The voice fell silent and Cobra met Peacebringer's startled gaze.

"I'LL KILL YOU!" Tinjus roared as he suddenly loomed up in front of them, his personal sword in his talon.

Cobra and Peacebringer glanced at each other and as one, leaped into the air, hovering above Tinjus. They each held onto Lightbringer and pointed it at Tinjus, swirls of Purple and Gold light coming off the blade.

"Andlat Garjzla Jeirda!" they both yelled at the exact same time, and a beam of golden-purple light shot off the blade of the sword and hit Tinjus directly in the chest. He screamed as smoke came off of his chest, then he fell to the ground, his body slowly dissolving.

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