Chapter 10

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Special thanks to youtube and google images 

Mary was out of breath from running away from the robot that chased her and her friends. And there she reached a cave Mary was in awe there was everything that a house had. There was a bed a kitchen and everything. After refreshing, Mary said to her friends that let's look around outside from the cave and see if we find anything or any clues from my mother that I got to know that she is a queen of this place I am pulled to.  Outside of the cave, Mary found a bracelet, not a normal bracelet but a bracelet that was made of pure gold.  And another thing is that the gold had her name printed on the golden bracelet. Mary was shocked to see her name on the mysterious bracelet and Mary thought what she had to do with that bracelet because she has never seen that bracelet in her lifetime ever. "Okay this is the strangest thing I ever was seen because I never saw anything that had my name in it except the letter my mother wrote and the mouse wrote", said Mary  The bunny said with a frown, "What if there were more clues to find are we gonna do it." Mary laughed and said, "We will little one don't get furious with it." And so Mary and her friends went on their journey and there the bunny found a letter written in cursive

Dear Mary, Remember to not lose your hope you can do this mission and find your mother. This bracelet has so much secret to it and I know you will find it.  Remember the main key for finding this bracelet and what is capable for, you have to go alone to the Red Mountain and there you have to find the correct flower. Mary don't be afraid to use your heart in this mission. And remember you have to leave this cave by midnight because I just heard that the Evil Wizard is coming hunting for you because of he noticed that all the flowers are blooming after a long time - Janice your mother's servant. 

Mary shocked and scared after reading the letter said: "Guys we have to leave this place before midnight hits because the Evil Wizard is hunting for me" The bunny whimpered in agreement and said, " I don't want that happening let's get out of here as soon as possible."  After 3 minutes after they left the Evil Wizard came and searched for the enchantress daughter. He did not know how she looked or how she was so he gave up, but still, he had the burning anger that the enchantress daughter is still alive. 


Hey, guys, do you think Mary escape or did she get caught by the Evil Witch put your comments below and make sure to vote :) 

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