Chapter 7

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Mary was sad but determined to keep on going. Even though her friend had died she was willing to practice her magic every day. Mary was 18 now it has been 7 years being zapped in the place. Mary and her other friends were walking around the garden and trying to get out. There they saw a bunny. The bunny looked at Mary curiously and it hugged her. Mary was confused at first and then she understood why the bunny might have hugged her. The baby bunny wanted her to save the world. The baby bunny told her, "Mary Mary, the Evil Witch took my mother and she is scaring me that she would harm her if I don't run away what should I do"? Mary was angered now, first her mother now a baby bunny what else now Mary thought. She started to gather her belongings. Suddenly there was a flash of thunder and everything was pitch black. The baby bunny started to whimper. Mary picked up the bunny and held it near her. And there they saw a big cave.

That cave had everything it looked more like a house but it was a cave. This cave was not ordinary. Mary felt like this had some clue about her mother the enchantress. In this cave, Mary was looking at the place again and again. And there she found a big truth chain and in that it had a slip, it said in bold words Warning- Do not lie, it has the power to kill the people that.....  And then Mary found another letter it was from her mother. And Mary was stunned but she opened it up and it wrote with golden bolded words.

Dear Mary,

I know you will find me one day my child and save everything that the Evil Witch has touched and ruined that was mine. My child, I left a truth chain this chain will help you along the way in your journey and make you remember me. This chain has a magical power, not just kill a person that tells a lie that slip is wrong it will protect you and your friends. Best wishes to all of you Enchantress- Mary's mother

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