Chapter 12

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Mary and her friends were stranded in a different dimension that they did not even know. And the mouse left them with no clue. So Mary and her friends had to find out what clues they could find in this place. Mary said "Probably my magic is the one that makes us go to different dimensions in every place.  "Yes",  said the mouse suddenly appearing to the place that Mary was standing.  Mary stunned in the place that she was in she said: "Woah I wasn't expecting you".   The mouse showed her a place in the woods, it was not an ordinary woods but a magical woods. 

And in that woods there Mary saw lots of jewels but the jewels had a  big sign saying Do Not touch" the kangaroo did not listen to whatever Mary said and decided to touch the jewels. That was the end of that poor kangaroo's life. While touching the jewels the jewels had electrocuted him. Mary rushed and started to sob he was one of his best friends that she had gotten since she was first zapped into this place. Now, what was she gonna do she was losing her friends slowly. First, the Mouse and now the poor Kangaroo now Mary had the thought who was doing all this.  Then she got a sudden urge that told her that it might be the Evil Witch who might have been doing this so she can be depressed and she can quit looking for her mother.  But Mary was not quitting this search this just made her more desperate to know. 

Mary wanted to know why in the world was the Evil Witch doing this and she got the sudden flash that her mother is tied and getting hit with metal rods.  That is it Mary was getting furious she had to find her mother and she could not bear to see her mother beaten by a metal rod. So Mary decided to find more clues so she could move on quicker to her mother. And the mouse appeared and said to himself "She is doing very good she has to keep this up" She earned another power, that is how she got that sudden flash about her mother.  The mouse said with a chuckle to himself that " She is ready for a fight with the bad guy and she will turn me back to human and all her friend to one as well 

The mouse had never said this secret to Mary and he had to share this secret with her now because she got to know what the Evil Witch did to these poor people who came from different places and she is the one that can save them. 


That's my chapter 12 guys I will try to publish Chapter 13 soon as possible 

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