Chapter 4

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After the lights turned on she was back at her house and sitting on the same couch and it was the same time 12:00 A.M.  Mary was stunned she was wondering now wasn't she with her animal friends or was this all a nightmare. Well this time when the door knocked it felt different, Mary again double minded whether she should open the door opened it again. But this time all her friends came to her house and said they were worried about her and how she was, the Evil Witch took her back to her house by hypnotizing her because he had the magic of hypnotizing. The mouse told her that they saw that Mary fainted due to the Evil Witch. Mary was stunned she did not know that.  Now Mary had a sudden thought to look around her house and there she found a Golden book. That golden book showed her all the past moment that her mother had when she was a child and Mary couldn't stop to shed a tear or two. The mouse whispers the stunning news to Mary that made her red with rage.  The mouse said the Evil Witch is the one that took your mother and she is stuck you are the one that has to save her and your other brothers and your sisters. Mary wanted her mother back as well she remembered now why the Evil Witch might have stolen her necklace, because now  he wanted to rule the world by becoming a human by her mother blood and to become a person. 

Mary was stunned and mad at the same time she did not know whether her thought was right so she decided to read the diary that had whatever her mother wrote. And this time the words glowed and she and her friends were zapped into another place. This placed looked like a flower garden that her mother used to tell her a story about when Mary was 4-9 years old. Suddenly there is a man with a red cape and blue eyes, brown hair, freckled face. But he looked more like the guy her mother wrote in her diary. This guy told them that they were in his house. That where they got zapped to.  Well Mary was confused she did not know that the diary was magical and it helped Mary find her way through difficult area.  This guy told them his name was Richard Falcon and he is Mary's mother's best friend.  Mary had a lot of questions to ask him. 

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