Sasuke Is Visiting Opalence

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Sasuke was confused as Naruto threw himself into his bed, "Let's go! I'm so excited!"

Sasuke looked up at his mother, hoping she would fill him in but she only smiled. He noticed she was still in her pj's and he looked out his window. The sun isn't out yet.

He glared at Naruto, "It's not even daylight out, what are you doing?"

Naruto shrugged, "You told us to be here before sunrise. We talked mom and dad into letting the three of us go for the day."

This only confused Sasuke more, "Go? Go where?"

"Opalence." Naruto was enthusiastic, "Menma looked up the town, it's small but it looks so awesome!"

Sasuke recognized the name of the town Naruto spoke of. It's where Savy lives. Did Savy talk Naruto and Menma into dragging him down here so they could meet? Why on earth would she do that? Not that Sasuke would mind... seeing her in person... seeing that smile.

But Sasuke still shook his head, "I don't know, maybe we should reschedule."

Naruto raised his brow at Sasuke, "What? Why?"

Sasuke sighed as he racked his brain for an excuse, "Well, we've never been there before. What if we get lost?"

Naruto dug his phone out of his pocket, "We have Google Maps."

Sasuke couldn't argue with that. Since when does Naruto make valid points.

Sasuke's mother, Mikoto, sat beside him on the bed and gave him a kind smile, "Darling, it's a good chance for you to get out of the house. Get away for the day. Lord knows with the arguments your father and you get into are excuse enough."

She's not wrong.

Sasuke sighed in defeat, "Fine, I'll go."

His mother smiled before making her way downstairs.

Naruto cheered as he jumped up, "Menma and I will be waiting downstairs!"

Sasuke pulled himself out of bed and got dressed as quickly as he could.

As he left, he gave his little brother a hug and his mother a light kiss on the cheek.

He climbed in the car and Menma handed him a to go cup of coffee, "You're gonna need this to deal with Naruto this early."

Naruto glared as Sasuke sat back, sipping the coffee. This is going to be an interesting.

A few hours later, as the sun is coming up, Savy woke up with butterflies in her stomach. Sasuke is coming to town today, and knowing Naruto, it whether he likes it or not.

Savy excitedly pulled herself up and ran down the hallway, throwing herself into Ashe's bed, "Ashe! You need to get up!"

She groaned and did her best to push Savy away, "What do you want? It's Saturday, I want to sleep in."

"We have to get ready!" Savy shouted as she shook Ashe.

"Why?" Ashe whined.

Savy couldn't contain herself, "Sasuke is going to be in town today!!!" She almost squealed.

Ashe's eyes shot open and she stared at Savy like she's crazy, "What? Is he bringing his hot brother?"

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