Sasuke and Savy Talking

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***Sasuke's P.O.V.***

Savy has been calling me and texting me all day both yesterday and today. I turned my phone on silent. I can't talk to her. I don't want to talk to her.

Things were so much easy before I met her. Sakura was never this difficult. She never expressed an interest in any other guy but me. We started dating in middle school, it was simple, I knew she liked me and I didn't dislike her.

I never had to compete for her attention... she competed with my homework for mine.

She never made me feel like this... but she also never took my breath away with her laugh. I didn't think I was capable of feelings like this... I don't think anyone thought I'd be capable.

I sighed and sat back in my chair, I have a headache and I can't focus.

"Sasuke," I heard my brother as he knocked on the door, "Mom said you've had a bad weekend."

I shrugged, "I'm fine."

Itachi sighed, "Sasuke, don't bury this. This is something you have to face head on. You can't ignore this and run from it."

"She went on a date."

He nodded, "I heard but I don't think she did it to intentionally hurt you. Savy doesn't seem like the type of girl who would play with your heart. You don't know what happened, you don't know why she went. And guess what, you aren't going to find out if you don't talk to her. In the short time I've seen the two of you together, I can see she makes you happy. Sasuke, you have to talk to her. The worst that could happen is she tells you what happened, because like I said, she's not the type of girl to tell you she cares for you then take it back."

I looked in my brothers' eyes, he's adamant.

"Savy is a good girl." Itachi said as he stood, "You deserve a girl like her."

He put a supportive hand on my shoulder before he left.

I stared at the spot my brother had been occupying. He makes sense. I don't know the truth behind the date. But I couldn't shake the anger.

I didn't take my brother's advice. I didn't want to face it. I'm not sure I'd like what she has to say, I'm not ready.

I spent the next five days ignoring her. I didn't show up to pick them up, which, from what I can tell from the texts, Ashe was very upset by. I didn't sit beside her in English or sculpting. I spent lunch with Naruto in the basketball court. And at the end of the day, I went straight home.

This wasn't easy.

I could hear her calling my name through the halls as I passed by.

I could feel the sad looks she sent my way during class... I'm just relieved we only have two classes together.

I will admit, I miss her.

I felt like I did after my first visit... except I know why we aren't talking this time.

One thing that's eating away at me, I saw Suigetsu talking to Savy at her locker today after school. He even gave her a ride home.

It made the anger boil.

I took out my phone, maybe it's time to end this. Find out what's going on.

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