Chapter 2

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    Eren awoke the next morning rubbing his eyes. The sun was shining through the windows, and it meant another good day to train, but he was too tired. "Ugh," he groaned, pulling the covers over his eyes. Reluctantly, he got up and changed into his uniform.
   ~Time skip~
    Sasha flew past Eren with lightning speed. "Yeah!! This is awesome! Keep up Eren, you're still too slow!" "Oh yeah?" Eren said, "Keep talking and I won't even CONSIDER giving you my potato tonight!" Sasha's eyes grew wide in terror. "No no no no no no no no no NO NO NO NO NO EREN OK I'M SORRY WE NEED YOU ON THIS TEAM AH I THINK YOU'RE GREAT EREN AH!!!" She yelled.
    Eren laughed as he drew his blades into the titan replicas. The blade cut deep, but not deep enough. "Crap, that's not gonna kill any titans!" Eren said. Green capes flied past him as more and more people piled on top of each other to be the first one to destroy the titan replicas. Levi awaited on the last available titan dummy. "Oi, come on people. This isn't a competition. If it was, I would win, which gives you all the reason to try harder than you are. So stop fumbling and just get this dummy!" Levi ordered. "Yes Captain!" Everyone replied in unison.
    Levi jumped off of the dummy and maneuvered his gear to be next to Eren. "You okay there, brat? You look frustrated," Levi mumbled. The nightmare Eren had was affecting his performance, and his mind. "Yeah, I'm fine," Eren said angrily. Levi sighed. "Look," he said, "Don't let one little nightmare you had last night impact you in any way, shape, or form. If anything, it should be motivation to try harder and make.... positive memories, if you will." "He has a good point," Eren thought. "Yes, thank you captain," he said. Levi shrugged and looked straight ahead. Then, he rushed back to the dummy to protect Sasha from stabbing it to death. "HAHA! TAKE THAT YOU STUPID DUMB DUMMY!!" She cried.
    "Well, guess we know who the real titan slayer here is," Levi said.

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