Chapter Twenty-Four

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I felt high off her love. 

She was so inspiring - whenever I tried to write songs that were supposed to be directed at society, or other topics in general, for some reason, it would soon overlap to a topic about her.. about love.. 

I was probably going crazy. I couldn't stop thinking about her. And seeing her so broken and sad.. 

I didn't like it. 

It was odd for me to wake up early. I turned my head to look at her. I still had our hands intertwined, and though she looked like an angel when she was awake, she looked so.. peaceful and beautiful asleep. 

Overcome with affection, I pulled out my phone and took a photo. I tilted my head to admire her features. I wasn't really someone that minded with what someone looked like.. but she was.. different. 

Or maybe love was messing with me. 

Though her eyes were closed, I loved them. They were always so bright and attentive, and it always showed her true emotion. Her nose was cute, and her philtrum was toned that her lips looked like a cats. It was.. adorable. 

I found myself smiling and I shook my head. I mentally cursed at myself. I was being creepy. But she'd probably do the same thing. After a while, she shifts in her sleep. 

She slowly opened her eyes. And though she didn't smile, she still looked so angelic. Is this how love messes with you? Why did she look beautiful whatever she did? 

"Good morning." I murmured. "You can still go back to sleep if you want to. I can order you food, and let you eat, then we can visit your dad." 

She nodded slowly and stood up, letting go of my hand. Her eyes seemed much tired than they were before. She turned on her heel and placed a hand on the doorknob. 

Everything happened so fast. 

She collapsed. 

"Ayumi," I hurried over to her. She lost consciousness. I cursed under my breath and felt her pulse. It was so faint, I didn't waste any time. 

I tried to not think of anything negative as I placed my hands behind her neck and knees, not hesitating to take her to the nearest hospital. 

As the cold air touched my skin, I couldn't help but shiver. But I didn't care. I didn't have time to wear my jacket. I fastened my pace, swearing for the weather. I looked down on her, feeling the intense urge to break down, but I didn't try to look at her once more. 

She was going to be okay. 

As I barged inside the hospital, the gazes immediately shifted to me. "Help her!" 

2 nurses made their way over with a stretcher, and they helped me place her on it. "What happened, sir?" 

"She passed out." I explained, moving closer so I could check her pulse again. "Just treat her already! Her doctor, doctor Yang?" 

"Doctor Yang is having an appointment in her office-" 

"Treat her right now!" I yelled, my heartbeat beating faster. "Whoever does it, she needs the treatment." 

"Alright." the other one replied, quickly moving the stretcher. Running my fingers through my hair in frustration, I pulled out my phone and texted the others about what happened. 

Only Namjoon replied. But Jimin and Hoseok were the first one to come. 

"Where's Ayumi?" Jimin questioned, panting. Though it was cold, he was sweating. He didn't bother sitting down. 

I pointed at one of the rooms, the closest one to the counter, '15'. And Hoseok took a deep breath, sitting next to me. "What happened? She texted me last night when I was asleep. She told me her dad got into jail for stealing." 

"He did." I clarified, not bothering to look at him. "He stole money from their neighbour." 

"But why would he?" Jimin questioned. "They have such a huge house. I thought they were wealthy." 

"I think it's been going on for a while." Namjoon answered out of nowhere, Eri following behind him shortly. "He can't just think about stealing money from a neighbour that day. He must've been thinking about it for quite some time. Something's up." 

"So, what do we uncover first?" Eri sighed. "Why Ayumi's in the hospital, or what's the real deal with being in prison?" 

"She has to be the priority for now." Jimin said, his voice cracking. "I don't know why.. but I think it's about Ayumi, as to why he stole money." 

"Why?" I questioned. Jimin had his own world - but he was smart. 

"I.. I'm not sure." he trailed off. "But I think Ayumi's case is much more severe than we think. From what I know.. her heart hurts whenever it beats faster, but at the same time, her heart has a hard time pumping blood. It's so complicated." 

So.. that's how it worked? 

"And maybe.." Hoseok continued. "Her case is so rare and difficult to cure, that they don't have enough money for the medical treatment?" 

I sighed frustratingly and stood up, excusing myself. I didn't know why being happy for me always happened in such a short amount of time - and then hell breaks down. 

Though it was cold, I didn't find the reason to care. I pulled out a cigarette and stared at it for a while, before lighting it. 

Fuck it. 

It felt so wrong.. and yet, the way it soothed the pain.. 

I was about to light another, when a hand stopped me from doing so. I looked up and found Namjoon shaking his head at me, "Yoongi, stop." 

I scoffed and yanked my hand away from his grip, "Give me a break, Namjoon." 

He sighed, "Give yourself a break." 

"Can't I just make decisions that won't hurt me? For fucking once." I turned on the lighter, and Namjoon grabbed it away from me. 

"Think about Ayumi." he persuaded, pocketing the lighter, leaving me no choice but to throw the cigarette. I felt.. distant. And at the same time, talking with Namjoon comforted me. "Are you saying that she's a decision that hurts you?" 

"She doesn't hurt me." I sat down on the bench nearby and crossed my legs, darting my gaze away from Namjoon. "How is she going to pursue her dreams if I'm around?" I scorned. "I'm not even worth it." 

"And now.." he said slowly. "Think about yourself." he continued, "Maybe there's something in you that comforts her. Maybe there's something in you that just makes her.. happy." 

"And we go back to her," he started. "If you think you're not worth it for her.. why do you think she won't stop being with you when it hurts her even more in the first place?" 

I growled, "What does this have to do with lighting a fucking cigarette, Namjoon?" 

"You're not going to smoke and that's final, Yoongi." he decided. "As your best friend, I don't like seeing you like this. And nor will the others. Ayumi.. does she even know about this?" 

I found myself calming down. "She told me to stop smoking." 

"And why are you going against her?" he shot back. "She makes sacrifices for you, Yoongi. And make a sacrifice for everyone and yourself - stop smoking." 

I found myself looking up at the cloudy sky, watching as the snow slowly fell to the ground. 

"Will she be okay if I do?" 

He paused. 

"Yeah." he answered. 



Okay I think I have worked hard for this chapter yippie! 

Next chapter will be heartwarming and devastating at the same time! You're welcome 

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