8. Meet the Andersons

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Case File #8

(2nd Crime)

The day has finally arrived and Sharna woke up early to get ready and move out. She couldn't sleep much the night before because she was worried about moving and also because when she called the number on the note, no one answered and her curiosity was killing her.

She got out of bed, got dressed and called Wyatt who was supposed to come pick her up.

"Hey, where are you?" Sharna asked

"I can't come pick you up, my car is broken, can Em give you a ride?"

"I'll ask her"

"Ok, and I'll meet you guys there"

"You shouldn't, it's not a big deal"

"Shut up" he laughed "meet you in a bit"

Sharna and Emily with the help of Tyler loaded the boxes into Emily's car and soon they were on their way.

"Excited?" Emily asked

"Yes, I mean the place is really nice, you'll see when we get there"

In a few minutes, Sharna's phone rang and it was the mysterious number from the letter, so she answered immediately.

"Hello," Sharna said, "this is Sharna Davis, who are you?"

"My name is Mary, I sent you the letters because I think Kate, my late brother's wife murdered him and I didn't know what to do"

"Are you free this afternoon, I think we need to talk in person"

"Sure," the woman said and they arranged a meeting at 5 in Sharna's new apartment.

As they arrived, they unloaded her stuff into the apartment and Emily had to leave to work, Nick was still there as she was still signing some paper work. Soon enough, Wyatt arrived knocking at the door.

"Sorry I'm late he said"

"It's okay, I really don't see a point in you coming here anyways"

"Thanks a lot" he laughed "I have a surprise for you"

he handed her a package and she opened it "The day we came to see the apartment you liked this drawing, but since you couldn't afford it, I decided to be the nice brother and get it for you" she smiled "plus it would look really good on the wall behind your desk"

"Aw thank you so much" she hugged him

Nick came from inside to greet Wyatt.

"Good morning" Wyatt said "so are you done with all the signatures"

"Yes, I'll be leaving soon"

"And I'll have a long day of unpacking then" added Sharna

"I wish I could help, but anyways I need to get going" Wyatt said "it really sucks not having a car"

"You don't have to tell me about it" Sharna said sarcastically

"I can give you a ride on my way" Nick said 

"Thanks that would be great"

In just a few minutes, they were gone and Sharna started unpacking, she wanted to finish before Mary came by. While unpacking, Sharna's phone rang, it was Johnny for the second consecutive time. She's been ditching his call trying to follow Emily's advice.

Eventually, Sharna was done with the boxes, she went to shower and got ready to meet with Mary. It was 4:45 so she sat on the couch waiting. "Should I make her tea or something?" Sharna thought, she was confused still about her new job and Mary was her first real customer.

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