15. Purple

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Case File #15

Two days later, Sharna woke up after a long sleep. It was 7 am, but she felt finally rested; she took a warm bath and prepared coffee and pancakes. Her phone was buzzing, journalists wanted to interview her, but she wanted a break from the case and everything, so shed decided to ignore it and keep hiding.

She laid on the couch in her robe eating breakfast and watching TV.

"Ahh, How I missed being lazy" she thought

She tried to not watch any news, but this was a big case especially in such a small town, so with every channel it followed her.  "If you're gonna use a picture of me, at least use a good one" she shouted at the screen.

Tom Arnold was giving interviews on almost every channel, he was as arrogant as ever, but he still mentioned everyone specifically Sharna and Matt which she was grateful for. Detective Howard held a press conference and Officer Caleb was there and gave a couple of interviews. Matt as well was interviewed from the hospital, but Sharna wasn't tempted to do any press.

After a few hours, her home telephone rang; she was surprised that it was even working, but answered anyways.

"Hey Detective" it was Emily

"Hey. We haven'y talked on a home line since high school" Sharna laughed

"I tried to call you a couple of times on your phone and when you didn't pick up, I figured you were ignoring. So what are you doing?"

"I slept a lot Em, and now I'm just relaxing"

"Here's my proposal, Ty is away this weekend, work trip thingy, so I suggest a girls' weekend. What do you think?"

"I'm definitely in."

"I'll be right there"

Sharna got dressed and sat waiting for Emily, she picked up her phone and decided to check it out. "Wow, 59 missed calls and 34 messages" Sharna was surprised.

She had a missed call from her mum and a message. "I'm so proud of you, love mum" she read out loud and decided to call her.

"Sharna" her mum answered happily

"I saw your message mum" she smiled "Thanks" Sharna and her mum had a rough relationship, they both loved each other and sometimes it was going good between them, but most times they weren't really in a good place especially whenever Sharna told her mum that her father's death was murder not suicide.

"It's true sweetheart, I'm so proud and I told all of my friends about it" 

"I'm a real Detective now mum" she joked

"I've always knew you'd make it, you've always been so smart and observant even as a kid" she sighed and was silent for a moment "I didn't mean to discourage you when you insisted that your father was murdered, I just wanted to spare you the pain of disappointment"

"I know that now mum, but I still believe that he was and I'll prove it one day and punish those who took him away from us, I promise"

"Good luck"

After hanging up, Emily arrived and Sharna lead her inside. "Can we just have a lazy weekend?" Sharna suggested

"No, definitely not" Emily laughed "I have a plan"

"Yeah? And what's that?" She said sitting down on the couch "aw, it's so comfy" she said gesturing for Em to sit down.

"It is, but we have a spa appointment!" She was excited "I've been working so much lately on my laptop and my back hurts so bad, I really need a massage" she was jumping in her seat from enthusiasm and also trying to get Sharna in the mood. "We can also get mani-pedis or a facial or both"

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